Amalia Björck

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Anna Ingeborg Amalia Björck (born April 14, 1880 in Winbergs moder, Falkenberg municipality ; † December 18, 1969 in Vinberg ) was a Swedish writer and poet .


Björck was born in the Vinberg parish as the fourth of eight children of pastor Gustaf Ludvig Björck (1841–1911) and his wife Maria von Vicken (1854–1931). She attended the girls' elementary school and later the higher teacher training college in Stockholm . In 1902 she was hired as a teacher at a girls' primary school in Majorna, a district of Gothenburg . She took part in summer courses in Lund (1915) and Uppsala (1919), studied in Copenhagen in 1916 and undertook study trips to Germany during the summer holidays of 1903, 1906, 1909, 1913, 1917 and 1921. Further trips took her to Prague , Vienna and Zurich in 1923 .

She wrote articles for the magazines Ord och bild , Hertha and Idun , among others .


  • Trotsare och längare , 1910
  • Löjtnant Loke , 1911
  • Dikt och bikt , 1913
  • Blomsterkungen på Hammarby , 1922


  • Knut Norborg: Göteborgs stift 1885-1949, Biografisk matrikel över stiftets prästerskap . 1949.
  • NS Lundström: Svenska kvinnor i publicly verksamhet . 1924.
  • Sveriges Släktforskarförbund (ed.): Sveriges dödbok 1901-2009, (Cd-rom) .

Individual evidence

  1. Ludvig Björks efterlämnade papper. Stockholm Royal Library and Swedish Research Library , accessed May 23, 2018 (Swedish).
  2. Amalia Björck's efterlämnade papper. Stockholm Royal Library and Swedish Research Library, accessed May 23, 2018 (Swedish).