Amenemhet Surer

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Amenemhet Surer in hieroglyphics
i mn
m F4
t Z1
sw w r

Amenemhet Surer (Amen em het Surer)
Jmn m ḥ3.t Swrr

Amenemhet Surer was a high ancient Egyptian official of the New Kingdom . He served under King Amenhotep III. ( 1403–1351 BC ) as head of the domain and is best known for his large grave TT48 in West Thebes .

Amenemhet's family was closely related to the royal family. His father Itj-taui was the head of the cattle of Amun , his mother Mut-tuj was the royal harem lady before they married . A Setjau is known as a brother who exercised the position of Second Prophet of the Neith .

Amenemhet Surer held the title of frond bearer to the right of the king , head of the royal craftsmen, and held several offices in the great temple of Amun in Karnak. Most of the nine statues he has preserved come from this . A vessel inscription from Malqata shows that he was still in the 30th year under Amenophis III. officiated. Since his unfinished grave has been renamed and destroyed, he seems to have fallen out of favor towards the end of his term of office.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bertha Porter, Rosalind LB Moss: Topographical bibliography of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, reliefs, and paintings. Vol. I. - The Theban Necropolis. Oxford 1994, pp. 87-91.
  2. a b Wolfgang Helck : Amenemhet Surer. In: Wolfgang Helck (Hrsg.): Lexikon der Ägyptologie (LÄ). Volume I, Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1975, ISBN 3-447-01670-1 , Sp. 194-195.
  3. ^ Henri Chevrier: Rapport sur les travaux de Karnak 1949-1950. In: Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Égypte (ASAE) 50, 1950, p. 438.
  4. ^ William C. Hayes : Inscriptions from the Palace of Amenhotep III. In: Journal of Near Eastern Studies . (JNES) 10, 1951, pp. 35ff.