Amin Howeidi

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Amin Howeidi (born September 22, 1921 in Al-Minufiyya ; † October 31, 2009 in El-Quba ) Arabic : أمين هويدي, was an Egyptian politician .


Amin Howeidi was the ambassador of Gamal Abdel Nasser in the era of the Nasserist Iraqi President Abd al-Salam Arif in Baghdad , which the United Arab Republic of Egypt and Iraq were aiming for.

He was commissioned by Gamal Abdel Nasser to analyze the Six Day War . As a result, Salah Nasr and Abd al-Hakim Amer were arrested. Howeidi asserted that Amer suicide had committed.

Under his leadership, the jihaz al-Muchabarat al-Amma exposed 53 Mossad employees . In 1971 Howeidi was briefly arrested under Anwar as-Sadat . He has published 25 books in Arabic and English and wrote for Egyptian newspapers such as Al-Ahram Weekly .

Individual evidence

  1. Amin Howeidi (1921-2009). (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on November 17, 2011 ; accessed on February 22, 2015 (English).
  2. Al-Ahram Weekly , Obituary Amin Howeidi (1921-2009) ( Memento from March 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
predecessor Office successor
Sami Abu-Al-Fetouh Egyptian ambassador to Baghdad in
1963 and 1965
February 7, 1976: Gamaleddin Barakat
Shamseddin Badran Egyptian Defense Minister
July 21, 1967 to 1970
Mohammed Hussein Tantawi
Salah Nasr Head of Jihaz al-Muchabarat al-Amma
July 21, 1967 to 1970
Hafez Ismail