District Court Herne

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The district court building
The cell wing is on the left

Herne is the seat of the Herne District Court , which is responsible for part of the independent city of Herne. The districts of Wanne and Eickel belong to the judicial district of the Herne-Wanne district court .

Superior courts

The regional court overriding the Herne District Court is the Bochum Regional Court , which in turn is subordinate to the Hamm Higher Regional Court .


The establishment of the Herne District Court was ordered by a law of 1889. The law came into effect on October 1, 1892, and the court began its work in the first courthouse on Bahnhofstrasse. The municipalities of Herne, Horsthausen, Baukau, Hiltrop and Holsterhausen belonged to the judicial district at that time. In 1911/1912, in connection with the construction of the new town hall of the city of Herne, which has been independent since 1906, it was decided to build a new courthouse. Construction of the judicial prison began in October 1915, construction of the current district court in February 1916. The new building was occupied in July 1921. It has been a listed building since 1991 and, together with the town hall and another administrative building (tax office, police, citizens' office), encloses Friedrich-Ebert-Platz on three sides.

Planned restructuring

In the course of the planned amalgamation of the two local courts in Herne, the cell wing of the former prison adjoining the courthouse was to be rebuilt in such a way that the Herne labor court can also move its seat here. Since the plan to build a justice center in Herne-Mitte was not implemented for cost reasons, the “Third Act to Change the Act on the Structure and Districts of the Ordinary Courts and Other Acts” is replaced by the “Act to Amend the Justice Act North Rhine -Westfalen and other laws ”has been repealed. The division of the urban area of ​​Herne between the Herne District Court and the Herne-Wanne District Court will therefore remain in place for the time being.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Law on the establishment of a local court in Herne of March 20, 1889, PrGS p. 63 .
  2. Ordinance regarding the coming into force of the law of March 20, 1889 of May 9, 1892, PrGS p. 104
  3. http://www.derwesten.de/staedte/herne/Weg-mit-den-Zellen-id455914.html

Web links

Commons : Herne District Court  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 51 ° 32 ′ 16.2 ″  N , 7 ° 13 ′ 13 ″  E