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Amunmose in hieroglyphics
18th dynasty
M17 Y5

F31 S29

(Amen mes)
Jmn ms
Amunmose and Wadjmes in the tomb of Paheri

Amunmose was the son of the ancient Egyptian king ( Pharaoh ) Thutmose I , brother of Queen Hatshepsut and Crown Prince at the time of the 18th Dynasty , ( New Kingdom ).

Amunmose was the eldest son of Thutmose I. The mother is believed to be Queen Ahmose . He and his father are named on the fragment of a stone shrine that is now in the Louvre . A representation of Amunmose with his brother Wadjmes can be found in the grave of Paheri in El-Kab . Both names are preceded by the term Sa nisut ("son of the king"). Nofrubiti is also recorded as a sister , although it is not clear whether she and Wadjmes were real or only half-siblings.

Amunmose, like his brother Wadjmes, died very early during the reign of his father, probably at the age of 12.
