Ananias do Carmo Fuka

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Ananias do Carmo Fuka (* 1963 or 1964 ) is an East Timorese politician and founder of a sect. He comes from Oe-Cusse Ambeno .


Fuka was a primary school teacher during the Indonesian occupation. In 1983 he founded the Santo Antonio movement ( Indonesian: Yayasan Santo Antionius ) in Dili , which is why he was tried before the Dili district court in 1989 . The charge was to found a sect that violated Catholic teachings and was closer to shamanism. Fuka was sentenced to six months in prison.

Fuka was elected to the constituent assembly in the 2001 elections at number 2 of the Partido do Povo de Timor (PPT). In the congregation, he called for a constitutional right to a free, universal health system. The proposal failed, as did an application on the subject of compulsory schooling for under 12-year-olds, the content of which was unclear.

With the independence of East Timor on May 20, 2002 , the assembly became a national parliament and a Fuka member. Here he was a member of Commissions E (Commission for the Elimination of Poverty, Rural and Regional Development and Gender Equality) and F (Commission for Health, Social Affairs, Solidarity and Labor).

In the new elections in June 2007 , Fuka did not run.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Tempo: Sect leucon Santo Antonius , April 1, 1989 , accessed on August 9, 2020.
  2. Kym Holthouse, Damian Grenfell: Social and Economic Development in Oecusse District, East Timor . 2008, ISBN 978-0-646-48687-1 (English, [accessed August 9, 2020]).
  3. International Crises Group: Timor-Leste's Veterans: An Unfinished Struggle? , Update Briefing, Asia Briefing N ° 129Dili / Jakarta / Brussels, November 18, 2011 , accessed on August 9, 2020.
  4. ↑ Election lists of all parties and list of independent candidates, August 2001 (PDF; 685 kB), accessed on April 27, 2020. (English)
  5. National Parliament of East Timor: Legislatura 2002-2007 , accessed on May 6, 2020 (Portuguese)
  6. Annemarie Devereux: Timor-Leste's Bill of Rights: A Preliminary History , ANU Press 2015, limited preview in Google book search.
  7. List of MPs in the National Parliament of East Timor ( Memento of September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ). (Portuguese)
  8. National Parliament of East Timor: Ananias do Carmo Fuka , accessed on August 8, 2020 (Portuguese)
  9. East Timor’s National Parliament: Comissão E , accessed on August 9, 2020 (Portuguese)
  10. National Parliament of East Timor: Comissão F , accessed on August 9, 2020 (Portuguese)
  11. List of 2007 candidates from the STAE (PDF; 819 kB). Retrieved on August 8, 2020 ( tetum )