Anaora tentaculata

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Anaora tentaculata
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Pipefish (Syngnathiformes)
Subordination : Lyrefish (Callionymoidei)
Family : Lyrefish (Callionymidae)
Genre : Anaora
Type : Anaora tentaculata
Scientific name of the  genus
Gray , 1835
Scientific name of the  species
Anaora tentaculata
Gray , 1835

Anaora tentaculata is the only species of the genus Anaora from the lyrefish family. The species occurs on coral reefs in the West Pacific off the Moluccas , the Philippines , the Ryūkyū Islands , Palau , Yap and Guam and inhabits sandy areas and seagrass beds up to a depth of about 30 meters.


The fish have an elongated, flattened body and reach a length of up to six centimeters. A series of skin flaps form leaf-like outgrowths along the body, a larger, tentacle-like outgrowth sits behind the eye. The head and body are pink to light brown with a lighter belly and dark spots on the sides. The males have a slightly more elongated body and a stronger color.

Fin formula : dorsal 4–8, anal 0–7, pectoral 21–25


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