Anatoly Georgievich Bassistov

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Anatoly Georgijewitsch Bassistow (born October 23, 1920 in Saratov , † September 16, 1998 Moscow ) was a Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of radio technology .


From 1938 to 1941 he studied at the Moscow Energy Institute . With the beginning of the Second World War he moved to the Leningrad Air Force Academy of the Red Army , where he took his final exam in 1944. From August 1944 he fought in the army as a navigator of the flight plan.

After the end of the war he stayed in the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. From 1950 he worked in KB-1 of the Ministry of Defense Industry, then in the CB of the Ministry of Radio Industry, where he was involved in the development of multi-channel anti-aircraft missiles.

Since 1968 he worked in the Vympel Special Design Bureau (OKB) on the development of missile defense systems (ABM), participated in the development of the multi-channel long-range anti-aircraft missile system S-200 . For the development of the complex S-200, received the title of hero of socialist labor .

Anatoly Georgievich Basistov was the main designer responsible for the A-135-ABM system .

His most important scientific work deals with the efficiency improvement of signal filtering and the resolution of radar systems. , the development of multifunctional anti-missile information systems based on radar systems and optoelectronic components, which are controlled by high-performance ground and on-board computers.



Individual evidence

  1. Воспоминания Г. С. Легасова о Басистове, разработчике уникальной системы противоракетной обороны А-135. March 9, 2010, accessed on 25 May 2018 .
  2. a b c Басистов Анатолий Георгиевич. Retrieved May 25, 2018 .
  3. Басистов А.Г. - Общая информация. Retrieved May 25, 2018 .