Anchiroe (wife of Penthilus)

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Anchiroë ( Greek  Ἀγχιρόη ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According to Hellanikos of Lesvos , Anchiroë was the wife of Neleiden Penthilus and from him the mother of Andropompos , while Pausanias names Boros as the son of Penthilus and was the father of Andropompos.

As the mother of Andropompos, she is the grandmother of Melanthos , the founder of the mythical royal dynasty of the Melanthids in Athens , who ended the long rule of the Kecropids there.



  1. Hellanikos in the Scholion to Plato , Symposium 208 D (= FGH I No. 47)
  2. Pausanias 2,18,8.
  3. Pausanias 2,18,8; 7,1,9 ; Hellanikos in the Scholion of Plato, Symposium 208 D.