András Kórodi

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András Kórodi (born May 24, 1922 in Budapest , † September 17, 1986 in Treviso ) was a Hungarian conductor .

Kórodi studied piano , composition and conducting with János Ferencsik at the Franz Liszt Music Academy in Budapest . In 1946 he began to work as a répétiteur at the Budapest Opera ; his first opera conducted by him at this house was Zoltán Kodály's Singspiel Háry János . In 1963 he was appointed principal conductor of the opera. At this point he already had a significant career as a conductor; in 1957 he had conducted Carmen at the Bolshoi Theater . In 1967 he also became head of the Budapest Philharmonic .

From 1957 he also worked as a teacher at the Budapest Academy, numerous famous conductors of the following generation were among his students, including Andras Ligeti and Ádám Medveczky .

Kórodi stood up for the music of the 20th century and especially for the composers of his country. He recorded several works by Béla Bartók , Zoltán Kodály and Franz Liszt for the record. Further composers with first and world premieres were Sándor Szokolay ( Blood Wedding ), Ferenc Szabó and Pál Kadosa .

Kórodi is buried in the Farkasréter Cemetery in Budapest.


  • Kossuth Prize Winner (1970)
  • Liszt Prize Winner (1952, 1958)

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