André Strohl

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André Strohl

André Strohl (born March 20, 1887 in Poitiers , † March 10, 1977 ) was a French radiologist and co-writer of Guillain-Barré syndrome .


André Strohl studied medicine at the Paris Sorbonne . After a few years he interrupted his studies to devote himself to mathematics , physics and chemistry , but eventually took up again. In 1913 he received his doctorate in medicine, later he also acquired a doctorate in physics.

During the First World War he experimented with various projection techniques to locate projectiles and shrapnel from war invalids. In this context, he also met Jean-Alexandre Barré and Georges Charles Guillain and was one of the co-descriptors of post-infectious polyradiculitis Guillain-Barré . When naming it, however, it was not taken into account.

In 1924 Strohl was appointed to a professorship for physiology in Algiers . Two years later he received the same title from the University of Paris . He worked until 1957.


  • G. Guillain, JA Barré, A. Strohl: Sur une syndrome de radiculo-névrite avec hyperalbuminose du liquide céphalo-rachidien sans réaction cellulaire. Remarques sur les caractères cliniques et graphiques des reflexes tendineux. In: Bull Soc Méd Hôp Paris. 40, 1916, pp. 1462-1470.