Andreas Clemens

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Andreas Clemens (* 1742 in Sighișoara ; † 1815 ) was a Transylvanian pastor , grammarian , lexicographer and Romanian.

life and work

Clemens studied theology in Tübingen , received a scholarship from Christian Heinrich Hiller (1696–1770) and became a Protestant pastor and teacher in Brenndorf in Transylvania, now Bod (Romania) . He wrote a Romanian-German dictionary and a Romanian grammar, which appeared posthumously and which Friedrich Diez used as a source.


  • Small Wallachian-German and German-Wallachian dictionary. Furnace 1822, Sibiu 1836 (440 pages)
  • Dictionary, German and Wallachian. Sibiu 1822 (184 pages German-Romanian + Romanian unpaginated index)
  • Wallachian language teaching for Germans. In addition to a small Wallachian-German and German-Wallachian dictionaries. Sibiu and Kronstadt 1823 (place of printing furnace, 329 pages, dedicated to Joseph Heinrich Benigni Edler von Mildenberg), 1836


  • Werner Bahner : To the beginnings of Romanian linguistics. In: Jürgen Trabant (Ed.): Logos Semantikos I. History of the philosophy of language and the science of language. Berlin and Madrid 1981, pp. 395-403, here: p. 401
  • Paul Miron : 189. Romanian Lexicography. In: Franz Josef Hausmann, Oskar Reichmann, Herbert Ernst Wiegand and Ladislav Zgusta (eds.): Dictionaries. Dictionaries. Dictionnaires. An international handbook on lexicography. Second part of the volume. Berlin and New York 1990, pp. 1880–1891, here: p. 1883
  • Christa Wagner and Rolf Wagner: The Transylvanian-Saxon teacher and pastor Andreas Clemens 1742-1815. Ravensburg 1996
  • Rolf Wagner: On the biography of Andreas Clemens. In: Transylvanian semester sheets. Volume 10, 1996, pp. 106-107
  • Márta Fata: Students from Hungary and Transylvania at the University of Tübingen. In: Márta Fata et al. (Ed.): Peregrinatio Hungarica. Wiesbaden 2006, pp. 229–264, here: p. 248