Andreas Georg Paumgartner

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Hieronymus Franz Fuchs: Andreas Georg Paumgartner; Caretaker of the Mendel Twelve Brothers Foundation (1670)

Andreas Georg Paumgartner from and on Holnstein and Lonnerstadt etc. (* 1613 in Nuremberg ; † March 18, 1686 ibid) was a second slogan ( mayor ), patrician and war captain of the city of Nuremberg.


Andreas Georg Paumgartner came from the patrician family Paumgartner von Holnstein and Grünsberg . After studying at the Nuremberg University of Altdorf with the student name "Ulpianus", he quickly took over important offices and functions in the imperial city of Nuremberg. He was a member of the senior secret council, third colonel, war captain, the highly commendable Franconian district war council, the most noble prince, Count Palatine Christian August von Sulzbach secret council and second slogan, an office that corresponded to that of a mayor.

The epitaph and the death shield of Andreas Georg Paumgartner

After his death in 1686, Andreas Georg Paumgartner was buried in the St. Johannis cemetery in Nuremberg . Its rich epitaph from bronze by Georg Schweigger , 1679 dated even for life time is of handicraft importance and has unusual details on. The lower jaw of the life-size bronze skull under the family coat of arms has a hinge and can be made to rattle. The skull has a hole on the forehead on the temple side, which led to the legend of Paumgartner's secret murder with a nail by his wife. This legend was processed criminally by Lena Bloom ("Roses in St. Johannis"). A wooden death shield has been preserved in the presbytery of the Holnstein castle chapel.

Web links

Commons : Andreas Georg Paumgartner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Silke Hillegeist: St. Johannis Friedhof website of the city of Nuremberg 2012
  2. Georg Hager, Georg Lill: Die Kunstdenkmäler Bayerns. District Office Sulzbach. Volume 2; Volume 19. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1982, p. 39