Andreas Michalke

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Andreas Michalke (2010)

Andreas Michalke (* 1966 in Hamburg) is a German comic artist .

He was able to publish his first work in fanzines such as “ Trust ” and “Zap” in the late 1980s , and he also designed flyers and posters for various bands. He also continues to draw for the " Ox ". In 1991, together with Minou Zaribaf , he founded the comic magazine “Artige Zeiten”, which just two years later received the prize as the best fanzine at the Hamburg Comic Salon. Michalke himself later also won the ICOM Independent Comic Prize for Smalltown Boy in 1999 . In the years up to 2001, he and Julia Tägert created the comic strip Sophie's World for the Berliner Zeitung . He created Bigbeatland for the Berlin newspaper Jungle World .

Michalke runs a blog in which he presents old records from second-hand shops and flea markets. He focuses his collecting activities on weird and bizarre records of German pressing, preferably with cartoon-style covers. There are also recordings from a large number of other countries, which contain various styles of music. The pieces on the records can be heard on his blog. The goal of his blog is, as he himself says:

"... I`m doing this to preserve otherwise forgotten cultural artifacts. Mainly stuff that nobody in their right mind would re-release anyway. But who knows ..."

Publications (selection)

  • Good times , No. 1-7 in Reprodukt, Berlin 1991–1997
  • Smalltown Boy Reprodukt, Berlin 1999
  • Bigbeatland , Reprodukt, Berlin 2006
  • Monovision , Reprodukt, Berlin 2008

Web links

Commons : Andreas Michalke  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Archive link ( Memento of the original from December 21, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /