Andrei Ivanovich Vostrikov

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Andrei Ivanovich Vostrikov

Andrei Ivanovich Wostrikow ( Russian Андрей Иванович Востриков ., Scientific transliteration Andrej Ivanovič Vostrikov ; born October 10, jul. / 23. October  1902 greg. In Ogarewka, Atkarsker Ujesd , Saratov province ; † 26. September 1937 in Leningrad ) was a Russian- Soviet East Asian scientist . He was a doctor of philosophy, which corresponds to the German academic title of Dr. phil. habil. and a doctorate in literature.


In 1924 Vostrikov graduated from the Socio-Pedagogical Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Petrograd University. Since June 1925 he was a research assistant of the 2nd degree at the University of Leningrad. He was a language teacher at the Leningrad Institute for Living Oriental Languages ​​and since 1929 at the Leningrad State University. He was also an employee of the Leningrad Asian Museum (from 1926) and at the Institute for Buddhist Culture (1928 to 1929). In 1930 he was appointed a senior researcher in the Oriental Sciences of the USSR. He belonged to the students of FI Shcherbatsky ( Sanskrit , Tibetan ) and Vladimirtsov ( Mongolian ).

From 1928 to 1932 Vostrikow went on five research trips to the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR to study the Buddhist Dazan the way of life of the monks, Buddhism as a religion and as a philosophical doctrine. From these trips he brought a large number of Tibetan manuscripts and printing blocks to Leningrad, most of which are kept in the Institute of Far Eastern Manuscripts in Saint Petersburg. Vostrikov carefully collected and cataloged the materials. For this reason, his personal library is particularly valuable.

On January 15, 1935, he received the title of Doctor of Literature.

In the 1930s he translated basic texts on the Indian philosophical system Nyaya and writings on Buddhist logic into Russian. At the same time he studied the yoga system Kalachakra (wheel of time). In 1935 he had the opportunity to publish the essay The Nyāyavārtika of Udyotakara and the Vādanyāya of Dharmakirti in the journal Indian Historical Quarterly .

In the spring of 1937 he was appointed chairman of the Tibetan group of the Institute of Far Eastern Manuscripts of the USSR. On the night of April 8th to 9th, 1937, he was arrested by the Soviet State Security NKVD, presumably because of a denunciation. On September 26, 1937, he was executed in Leningrad. He belongs to the large group of talented Soviet scientists who fell victim to the Great Terror .

In 1956 the accusations against Vostrikov were declared null and void and the scientist was legally rehabilitated posthumously in the course of the de-Stalinization process.

Because of the extensive censorship in the Soviet Union , Vostrikov was only able to publish a small number of studies during his lifetime. Part of his work was irretrievably destroyed by the NKVD, other parts were able to survive until Vostrikov's posthumous rehabilitation thanks to the efforts of Vostrikov's wife NP Vostrikova and Yuri Nikolayevich Rjorich . After rehabilitation, Vostrikov's wife published his surviving works, which soon became classics of Tibetology . Thirty years after Vostrikov's arrest, the KGB finally returned valuable Tibetan manuscripts that had formed the basis of Vostrikov's work.


  • Тибетская историческая литература (Tibetan historical literature); Moscow 1962
  • А.И. Востриков, С.Ф. Ольденбург и изучение (AI Wostrikow, SF Oldenburg et al.): Тибета (Tibet) in Записки Института Востоковедения Академии Наук (fonts of the Institute of East Asian Studies of the Academy of Sciences); Volume 4, Moscow Leningrad 1935, pp. 59-81.
  • С.Ф.Ольденбург, Ф.И.Щербатски, Е.Е. Обермиллер, А.И.Востриков, Б.В.Семичов (SF Oldenburg, FI Schtscherbatski, EE upper Miller, AI Wostrikow, BW Semitschow): Артхашастра, или Наука политики / Перевод с санскрита ( Arthashastra or political science / translation from Sanskrit); Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences Moscow Leningrad 1959
  • Article Tibetan Literature and Tibetan Language in Литературной энциклопедии (literary encyclopedia ); Volume 9, Moscow 1939 (without naming the author)
  • Калачакра (Kalachakra), 1936 (in print, lost)
  • А.И. Востриков, Н.Н. Поппе (AI Vostrikow, NN Poppe): Летопись баргузинских бурят: Тексты и исследования (The Annals of the Barguzin Buryats: Texts and Studies); Moscow Leningrad 1935
  • The Nyāyavārtika of Udyotakara and the Vādanyāya of Dharmakirti ; Indian Historical Quarterly Vol. XI, No. 1, March 1935
  • Logic of Vasubandhu , 1935 (lost)
  • Logical works of Vasubandhu , 1934 (lost)
  • О философии Dharmakirti (On the Philosophy of Dharmakirti), 1931 (in print, lost)
  • List of all received publications (Russian; PDF; 69 kB)


  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn: The GULag Archipelago , Volume 1, Rowohlt 1993, ISBN 3-499-14196-5

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f Тибетская историческая литература, pp. 6–7
  2. ^ Martin: Tibetan Histories: a Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works , foreword
  3. Solzhenitsyn: The GULag Archipelago , p. 17
  4. Boris Vassiliev: "Ju shih Lun" - a logical treatise ascribed to Vasubandhu ; Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, 1937 ( online )


  1. a b c d All printed works had to be checked by the previous censors in the Soviet Union before they could be published. If an author was arrested in the second half of the 1930s, his books, regardless of their content, were immediately removed from the Soviet libraries and destroyed or taken to Spezchran (secret library departments). (→ censorship in the Soviet Union )