Andrei Kiska

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Andrej Kiska (born February 2, 1963 in Poprad , Czechoslovakia ) is a Slovak politician and the first chairman of the Za ľudí (For the People) party he founded . He was the fourth President of Slovakia from 2014 to 2019 and the first to hold this post who had never been a member of the Communist Party . He is also a well-known Slovak philanthropist and former entrepreneur. On March 30, 2019, Zuzana Čaputová was elected as his successor.

Andrej Kiska (2014)


Kiska studied electrical engineering at the Technical University in Bratislava . After graduating, he was employed by an energy company. In 1990 Kiska emigrated to the USA , where he worked on construction and a gas station, among other things. After two years he returned to Slovakia and began his career as an entrepreneur in the jewelry trade. Later he founded and managed the credit institutions "Tatracredit", "Triangel" and "Quatro" together with his brother . In 2005, Kiska sold its company shares to Všeobecná úverová banka for several million euros .

Since 2006, Kiska has dedicated herself to charitable work and was co-founder of the aid organization Dobrý Anjel (Good Angel), which financially supports families with sick children.

In the Slovak presidential election in 2014 , Kiska achieved second place in the first round with 24% of the vote, behind the government candidate and Prime Minister Robert Fico . Fico and Kiska competed against each other in a runoff election on March 29, 2014, in which Kiska prevailed with 59.38% against Fico with 40.61%. Kiska took office on June 15, 2014. As president he wants to change corruption and judicial failure, the ailing health and social system, said Kiska, although the president in Slovakia mainly has a representative function.

In the 2020 National Council election , Kiska was elected as chairman of the Za ľudí party, with first place on the party list. On March 17, he announced that he would not stand as a member of parliament and was replaced by Tomáš Lehotský . After Za ľudí's party congress on August 8, 2020, in which he no longer ran and Veronika Remišová was elected as the new party leader, he withdrew from politics, citing his ongoing health problems.


Kiska advocates recognition of Kosovo by Slovakia and, against the backdrop of the 2014 crisis in Ukraine , advocates a hard line towards Russia. On the Slovak “family” referendum in February 2015, which took a preventive stand against the adoption and marriage law of homosexual couples as well as for the right of parents to be allowed to withdraw their children from sex lessons in school, Kiska said that he was against Marriage and adoption law for homosexual couples will be viable. At the same time, Kiska also stated that he would vote against the right of parents to be able to de-register their children from sex classes.

"Marriage for me is a bond between a man and a woman, but I believe that people of the same sex who live together should be able to handle some aspects of their life together."

- Andrej Kiska in November 2014

In the case of the European refugee crisis, Kiska - unlike the Slovak government - takes the side of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel and calls for Slovakia to accept a larger number of refugees.

Kuciak murder

On February 21, 2018, journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová were murdered. Kiska as President of the Slovak Republic said that this day and this act "changed Slovakia forever".


Kiska is married for the second time. From his first marriage he has a son (* 1985) and a daughter (* 1990). Since 2003 he has been with Martina Kisková born. Živorová married. From the second marriage he has two sons and a daughter.


  • Cesta manažéra z pekla, alebo, Ako robiť charitu úspešne a so srdcom. Self-published: Andrej Kiska, Poprad 2011, ISBN 978-80-97064-29-7 .
  • Vezmi život do svojich rúk: rady k úspechu a šťastiu od manažéra a filantropa, spoluzakladateľa Triangla, Quatra a Dobrého Anjela . Alert, Košice 2013, ISBN 978-80-97122-34-8 (= Úspešní manažéri , volume 2).

Web links

Commons : Andrej Kiska  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Millionaire Andrej Kiska could become President of Slovakia. In:, March 16, 2014.
  2. Katrin Lischko: Slovakia: Premier Fico has to go to the runoff against millionaire Kiska. In:, from March 16, 2014.
  3. Results of the presidential elections on (Slovak)
  4. A bearer of hope before obstacles. In: . June 15, 2014, accessed June 15, 2014 .
  5. Strana Za ľudí si už zvolila nového lídra. Vyhrala žena alebo muž? , of August 8, 2020 (Slovak), accessed on August 31, 2020
  6. Kiska hlási odchod z politiky , of June 28, 2020 (Slovak), accessed on August 31, 2020
  7. ^ Fico a Kiska se v debatě pohádali o Kosovo io hříchy z minulosti. In:, accessed on March 16, 2013.
  8. Stefan Heinlein: From self-made millionaire to president. on, June 13, 2014, 9:27 pm.
  9. Kiska v referende odmietne sobáše gejov aj adopcie. In:, November 12, 2014, accessed on February 8, 2015.
  10. Interview with Andrej Kiska from October 16, 2015 in "Die Welt".
  11. Bratislava: President Kiska: The murder of Kuciak "changed Slovakia forever" . March 5, 2019 ( [accessed August 6, 2019]).