Anita Malfatti

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Anita Malfatti (1912)
Participants in the Semana de Arte Moderna 1922: Mário de Andrade sitting in the front , Anita Malfatti sitting in the middle

Anita Catarina Malfatti (born December 2, 1889 in São Paulo ; † November 6, 1964 in São Paulo) was a Brazilian painter and one of the founders of Brazilian modernism .

The daughter of an Italian father and an American mother, Malfatti was born in São Paulo and attended school there. She showed an early interest in painting, which was encouraged by her mother. A congenital atrophy of her right arm forced her to use her left hand for painting. From 1910 to 1914 she stayed in Berlin , studied with Lovis Corinth , among others , visited the Sonderbund exhibition in Cologne in 1912 and was interested in German Expressionism . After a short stay in Brazil, she traveled to New York in 1915 , where she studied at the Independent School of Artand got insights into cubism .

From December 12, 1917 to January 11, 1918, her first solo exhibition took place in São Paulo, under the title Modern Painting , which led to sharp disputes. While one critic compared her pictures with "drawings of the inmates of madhouses", she was defended by Oswald de Andrade , who was familiar with the futuristic works of Marinetti .

In 1922 Malfatti took part in the Semana de Arte Moderna (“Week of Modern Art”) in São Paulo and trained with Tarsila do Amaral , with whom she had already studied under George Elpons , Mário de Andrade , Oswald de Andrade and Menotti del Picchia so-called Grupo dos Cinco ("Group of Five"). The period from 1922 is considered the first phase of Modernismo brasileiro . They had a lifelong friendship with Mário de Andrade.

From 1923, when she received a scholarship to travel to Paris , she gave up expressionism. In 1928 she returned to São Paulo, where she continued her artistic career in a more conventional way, mainly painting portraits and still lifes .

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Commons : Anita Malfatti  - collection of images, videos and audio files