Oswald de Andrade

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Oswald de Andradre, around 1920

Oswald de Andrade (born January 11, 1890 in São Paulo ; † October 22, 1954 ibid) was a Brazilian writer and co-founder of Brazilian modernism .

Oswald de Andrade was the partner of the artist Tarsila do Amaral and, together with her and Mário de Andrade , Anita Malfatti and Menotti del Picchia, was a member of the Grupo dos Cinco ("Group of Five") and an employee of the cultural magazine Semana de Arte Moderna . He wrote two poetic manifestos , the avant-garde demands of which he sought to fulfill in plays and novels. His most famous manifesto was the Manifesto Antropófago . It contains a program for a free, classless society based on matriarchal prehistory.

Antropophagy movement

Oswald de Andrade was a co-founder of a socially critical and cultural revolutionary anthropophagy movement in Brazil. With apparent contradictions such as national and international, regional and cosmopolitan, the latest European styles were taken up and a new self-confidence developed with the help of a "tropical" regionalism as a counter-movement to the European dominance culture. According to the anthrophagic motto "Instead of pushing away the foreign, eating the foreign", he and the movement against the destructive, dominant and racist elements of European culture developed artistic counter-actions based on ethical reasons. He opposed cleanliness, scientificity and the "European desire for difference" with "tropical rampant growth, appropriation, naivety, wildness and poetry". The movement got its name from a picture of Tarsila do Amaral Abaporú from 1928. Abaporú means anthropophage in the language of the Tupí , which means man- eater . The Anthropophagic Manifesto was published in the first edition of the Revista de Antropofagia in São Paulo in 1928 and appeared in German in 1990 in the cultural newspaper Lettre International .

Influence in Germany

The artists and philosophers Luzenir Caixeta and Rubia Salgado from the Organization Theory and Practice of a Migrant Self- Organization (MAIZ) refer again today to Oswald de Andrade and the anthrophagic movement. In 2004 they published in Spricht die Subalterne deutsch? an anthology of postcolonial criticism, their manifesto against the " ethnocentric cultural hegemony of the north" and declare: "We oppose any practice of ascription, be it in the form of victimization or exoticization ." Here they point to similarities to Oswald de Andrade in their attempts to create "new politics of visualization" and to develop new forms of representation.


  • 1924: Memórias sentimentais de João Miramar
  • 1933: Serafim Ponte Grande
  • 1934: O rei da vela 1933; O homem eo cavalo
  • 1928, 1995: Manifesto Antropófago. In: Schwartz, Jorge: Vanguardas Latino-Americanas. São Paulo

Film adaptations

  • 1982: The King of Candles ( O rei de vela )


  • Oswald de Andrade: Manifestos. Portuguese-German. Trans. V. Oliver Precht. Turia + Kant, Vienna / Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-85132-819-6 .
  • Oswald de Andrade: The crisis of messianic philosophy. Trans. V. Oliver Precht u. Marcus Coelen. Turia + Kant, Vienna / Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-85132-835-6 .
  • Haroldo de Campos: From the anthropophagous reason. In: Oswald de Andrade: Manifeste. Portuguese-German. Trans. V. Oliver Precht. Turia + Kant, Vienna / Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-85132-819-6 , pp. 145–185.
  • Benedito Nunes: "Anthropophagy for everyone". In: Oswald de Andrade: Manifeste. Portuguese-German. Trans. V. Oliver Precht. Turia + Kant, Vienna / Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-85132-819-6 , pp. 68–97.
  • Oliver Precht: "Learning to eat someone else's." In: Oswald de Andrade: Manifeste. Portuguese-German. Trans. V. Oliver Precht. Turia + Kant, Vienna / Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-85132-819-6 , pp. 98–144.
  • Jorge Schwartz: Vanguardas Latino-Americanas. Sao Paulo, 1995.
  • Luzenir Caixeta: Anthropophagy as an answer to Eurocentric cultural hegemony Or: How the majority society ›has to‹ swallow feminist migrants. In: Hito Steyerl, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez (ed.): Does the subaltern speak German? Migration and Post-Colonial Criticism. Unrast Verlag, Münster 2004, ISBN 3-89771-425-6 .
  • Maria Eugenia Boaventura: A Vanguarda Antropofágica. Ática, São Paulo 1985.
  • Lúcia Helena: Totens e tabus da modernidade brasileira. Símbolo e alegoria na obra de Oswald de Andrade. Tempo Brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro 1985.
  • Maria José Justino: O Banquete Canibal. A modernidade em Tarsila do Amaral 1886–1973. Editora UFPR, Curitiba 2002.
  • Benedito Nunes: Oswald Canibal. Perspectiva, São Paulo 1979.
  • Benedito Nunes: A Utopia Antropofágica. A Antropofagia ao alcance de todos. Globo, São Paulo 1990.
  • Adriano Bitarães Netto: Antropofagia Oswaldiana. To Receituário Estético e Científico. Annablume, São Paulo 2004.
  • Luís Carlos de Morais Junior : O Olho do Ciclope e os Novos Antropófagos. Antropofagia Cinematótica na Literatura Brasileira. HP Comunicação, Rio de Janeiro 2008. ( Online , 2015).
  • Carlos A. Jauregui: Canibalia. Canibalismo, calibanismo, anthropofagia cultural y consumo en América Latina. ( ETC: Ensayos de Teoría Cultural ; 1). 2nd, revised edition. Vervuert, Madrid 2008.
  • Oswald de Andrade: Pau Brasil. Traducción Andrés Sánchez Robayna. Publicado con ocasión de la exposición Tarsila do Amaral. Fundación Juan March. Madrid, 2009, ISBN 978-84-89935-82-2 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. compare Schwartz, quoted in Luzenir Caixeta 2004.
  2. ^ Andrade, Oswald de. “Manifesto Antropófago”, in: Revista de Antropofagia, Year 1, No. 1, May 1928, pp. 3–7.
  3. Lettre International , 11, Winter 1990, pp. 40f. Translated from Maralde Meyer-Minnemann
  4. O Homem do Pau-Brasil in the Internet Movie Database (English)