Anna von Quernheim

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Gravestone on the west side of the collegiate church

Anna von Quernheim (* before 1520 , † January 1, 1590 ) wrote psalm poems and sacred songs in Low German .


She comes from the Westphalian noble family von Quernheim in Minden-Ravensberg . Her father was Johann von Quernheim from the Ulenburg house , her mother Anna von Barsen (Barssen, Perschen). She attended the monastery school of the Obernkirchen Abbey near Bückeburg , later the Marienstift auf dem Berge near Herford , where she was elected dean in 1551 , which corresponded to the position of abbess. The monastery on the mountain recognized the Lutheran faith and became a secular women's monastery. She died in 1590 in the monastery on the mountain near Herford. The grave plate has been preserved and is on the west side of the tower of the collegiate church (today) in Herford.


A year before her death, an edition of 25 sacred songs was published in Low German, edited and provided with a foreword by the monastery pastor Heinrich Bincke, who also wrote the sermon for her funeral after her death in 1590. The songs are written in diverse, sometimes demanding stanzas, due to the selected, already existing melodies of other hymns. Even if their verses do not represent particularly outstanding evidence of the Lutheran hymn, they are noteworthy as the last Low German print in Lemgo, Westphalia, and as the first collection of texts by a poet from Westphalia.



  • Gertrud Angermann: Anna von Quernheim (before 1520–1590). The first known songwriter in Westphalia and 25 of her sacred songs in Low German. Bielefeld: Aisthesis 1996. ISBN 3-89528-166-2

Individual evidence

  1. Angermann, pp. 17-48
  2. Heinrich Bincke: A Christian funeral sermon ... held / by the Begrebnuss ... The venerable ... Annen von Quernheimb ... Lemgo: Conrad Grothes Erben 1590. ZV 31042 in VD 16 .