Anne-Claude-Philippe, Comte de Caylus

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Anne-Claude-Philippe, Comte de Caylus

Anne-Claude-Philippe de Thubières, de Grimoard, de Pestels, de Lévis, Comte de Caylus (born October 31, 1692 in Paris ; † September 5, 1765 there ) was a French antiquarian and collector.


Caylus came from the French aristocracy and initially began a military career, but ended it in 1714. He then went on trips to Italy (1714/15), following the French ambassador to Constantinople and Asia Minor (1714/15) and to the Netherlands and England (1722). He devoted himself to writing and literature, wrote gallant stories, belonged to circles interested in art, promoted artists and was friends with the painter Jean-Antoine Watteau . He also worked as a talented engraver.

Since the 1730s, encouraged by his friendship with Pierre-Jean Mariette , Caylus developed an interest in antiquity and began to build up a collection of antiquities. He became one of the most outstanding art connoisseurs of his time. Since 1731 as an amateur member of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture , he has given numerous lectures there on art since the 16th century. From 1742 he was also a member of the Académie royale des inscriptions et belles-lettres , before which he gave around 50 lectures, mostly on ancient art. In 1755 he published his studies on encaustic painting of antiquity.

He financed the Prix ​​Caylus art prize, which was founded on his initiative in 1759 and named after him, through a foundation from his own assets. It was awarded annually until 1968 in the context of the concours de la tête d'expression competition at the Paris École des Beaux-Arts .

Fonts (selection)

Scientific works
  • Recueil d'antiquités égyptiennes, étrusques, grecques et romaines. 7 volumes, Desaint & Saillant, Paris 1752–1767 ( digitized ).
  • with Michel Joseph Majault: Mémoire sur la peinture a l'encaustique et sur la peinture a la cire. Pissot, Paris 1755 ( digitized version ).
  • Nouveaux subjects de peintre et de sculpture. Duchesne, Paris 1755 ( digitized version ).
Literary works
  • Histoire de Guillaume. Paris 1740.
  • Oeuvres badines complete, du comte de Caylus. 12 volumes, Visse, Amsterdam, Paris 1787.
  • Comte de Caylus. Contes. Édition critique établie par Julie Boch, Honoré Champion (= Bibliothèque des Génies et des Fées vol. 12). Paris 2005.


  • Edmond de Goncourt, Jules de Goncourt : Portraits intimate du XVIIIe siècle. Études nouvelles d'après les lettres autographes et les documents inédits. Paris: E. Dentu, Pari 1857, pp. 10-42.
  • Franz Josef Hausmann : A forgotten celebrity of the 18th century: Count Caylus, scholar and man of letters . In: Deutsche Vierteljahresschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte 53, 1979, pp. 191-209.
  • Joachim Rees : The culture of the amateur. Studies on the life and work of Anne Claude Philippe de Thubières, Comte de Caylus (1692–1765). VDG, Weimar 2007, ISBN 978-3-89739-262-5 .
  • Adrian Stähli : Caylus, Anne-Claude-Philippe, Comte de. In: Peter Kuhlmann , Helmuth Schneider (Hrsg.): History of the ancient sciences. Biographical Lexicon (= The New Pauly . Supplements. Volume 6). Metzler, Stuttgart / Weimar 2012, ISBN 978-3-476-02033-8 , Sp. 207-210.

Web links

Commons : Anne-Claude-Philippe, Comte de Caylus  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

supporting documents

  1. ^ Catherine Schaller: L'expression des passions au XIXe siècle. Le concours de la tete d'expression à l'Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris. Théorie de l'expression des passions et analyze des toiles du concours. Dissertation, Faculté des Lettres de l'Université de Friborg 2003, p. 27 ( PDF ).