Anne and Hans get their chance

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Anne and Hans get their chance (original title: Dutch Ans en Hans krijgen de kans ) is the most famous comic by the Dutch comic artist Theo van den Boogaard .


Ans en Hans first appeared in 1969 as a serial in the Dutch magazine Aloha and a short time later in the also Dutch pornographic contact magazine Chick . Ans en Hans was released as an album in 1970 by the Amsterdam publisher PJ Muller. A German-language version was first published by Brumm Comix in 1970 by Melzer Verlag . In 1980, the Volksverlag brought out a new edition under the title Anne and Hans .


The shy and frustrated student Hans, who has a tense relationship with his parents, is visited by his former schoolmate Anne at his place of study. While he, who has just been disturbed while masturbating, is extremely irritated, she reveals that her intentions are clearly sexual in nature. When Anne discovers Hans' model, he would like to sink into the floor in shame, but she is very relaxed about it. Hans' fears and worries that he could fail sexually are the real issue. The following act of love is observed by caricature-like figures on the edge of the picture and the readers' voyeurism is commented on. The comic ends with Hans visiting his parents at home, with whom he now has a relaxed relationship, paying Anne a visit and finding them in bed with another boy.


At the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Sport of the state government of Rhineland-Palatinate , the comic was indexed in 1973 by the Federal Testing Office for writings harmful to young people . In its reasoning for the application, the applicant stated that “the dominant content of the booklet […] are absolute sexual parts and voyeurism” and “the sexual act […] is taken as popular amusement for a lustful audience”. In addition, it was said that the comic "under the guise of removing taboos clearly exceeds the limits of what is tolerable in the protection of minors" and that "suggests to adolescents a dangerous world and human image". On the grounds that “interpersonal relationships have been reduced to the genitals” and that “the content of the scriptures” is suitable “to confuse children and young people socially and ethically because it is pornographic and thus immoral [...]”, the federal inspection agency followed the reasoning of the applicant. Decision No. 1035 was made unanimously on May 4, 1973. It was published on May 12, 1973 in the Federal Gazette . The indexing of the new edition Anne and Hans was announced in the Federal Gazette on March 11, 1981.

The indexing was canceled in 2002 by a change in the law.


Harald Havas describes Anne and Hans as a "pornographic emancipation story". For Andreas C. Knigge the comic book van den Boogaard is “the most important and most popular work”, to which he attaches “historically [...] important importance”. According to Roland Seim , the indexing at that time represents a “complete reversal of the actual statement”.



  1. a b Andreas C. Knigge : Comic Lexikon. Ullstein, Frankfurt / Berlin / Vienna 1988, ISBN 3-548-36554-X , p. 104
  2. Theo van den Boogaard on , accessed on March 27, 2008
  3. Theo van den Boogaard on (Dutch) , accessed on March 25, 2008
  4. Ans en Hans on (Dutch) , accessed on February 22, 2010
  5. a b Anne and Hans get their chance at , accessed on March 25, 2008
  6. ^ Anne and Hans on , accessed on March 25, 2008
  7. ^ A b Andreas C. Knigge: Comic Jahrbuch 1988. Ullstein, Frankfurt / Berlin / Vienna 1988, ISBN 3-548-36548-5 , p. 383
  8. Harald Havas & Gerhard Habarta: Comic Worlds - History and Structure of the Ninth Art. Edition Comic-Forum, Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-900390-61-4 , p. 223
  9. Andreas C. Knigge: Sex in comics. Ullstein Verlag, Frankfurt / Berlin / Vienna 1985, ISBN 3-548-36518-3 , p. 174
  10. Roland Seim: “No Sex, please!” - comic and censorship on (PDF; 67 kB), accessed on February 23, 2010