Antonio dos Reis Rodrigues

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António dos Reis Rodrigues (born June 24, 1918 in Ourém , Portugal , † February 3, 2009 in Lisbon ) was Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in the Patriarchate of Lisbon .


António dos Reis Rodrigues first studied law in Lisbon. In 1941 he became chairman of the Catholic Youth (Juventude Escolar Católica JEC), later also chairman of the voluntary lay organization St. Vincent Community (Conferência de São Vicente de Paulo SSVP) and founder and editor-in-chief of the student newspaper “Flama”. From 1918 to 1947 he was deputy general director of the Juventude Universitária Católica (JUC). In 1942 he joined the Seminário dos Olivais and received on March 1, 1947 in the Lisbon Cathedral , the ordination ; until 1963 he was chaplain at the Portuguese Military Academy. He was also a professor of social ethics at the Instituto de Serviço Social of the JUC. For several years he was active on Portuguese radio and television; in addition he published the book "O Tempo ea Graça" in 1967.

In 1966 Pope Paul VI appointed him . the titular bishop of Madarsuma and ordered him to auxiliary bishop in the archdiocese of Lisbon. He was ordained bishop on January 8, 1967, by the Patriarch of Lisbon, Cardinal Manuel Gonçalves Cerejeira ; Co- consecrators were José Pedro da Silva , Bishop of Viseu, and João Pereira Venâncio , Bishop of Leiria.

In the Portuguese Bishops 'Conference he was President of the Episcopal Commission for Migration and Tourism from 1967 to 1981, from 1975 to 1981 General Secretary of the Bishops' Conference and from 1981 to 1984 its Vice-President. Among other mandates, he was legal advisor in the Patriarchate of Lisbon from 1990 to 1995 and vicar general from 1983 to 1998. In 1998 his resignation was granted by Pope John Paul II .


  • Nun'Álvares, Condestável e Santo . 1961
  • O Tempo ea Graça. Meditações na TV sobre o Evangelho . 1967
  • Doutrina Social da Igreja: Pessoa, Sociedade e Estado . 1991
  • Onde o Espírito floresce: Meditações sobre o Espírito Santo . 2000
  • Os Leigos - Condição, Compromisso e Espiritualidade . Lisbon 2001, ISBN 972-8178-43-3
  • Pessoa, Sociedade e Estado . Principia, Estoril 2008, ISBN 978-989-8131-29-4
  • A Dignidade da Pessoa Humana e os seus Direitos. Pesquisa sobre os Direitos Fundamentais do Homem . Principia, Estoril 2008, ISBN 978-989-8131-30-0
  • Vínculos Imortais. A Família, Santuário da Vida . Principia, 2008, ISBN 978-989-8131-31-7

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