Anthony Amos Lucky

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Anthony Amos Lucky (* 11. May 1940 ) is a from Trinidad and Tobago derived lawyer and judge at the International Tribunal .

Lucky completed his legal education in England and the University of the West Indies . He chose international relations as a focus.

After only a brief activity as a lawyer, he moved to the office of the Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago in 1963, where he completed a one-year training program. In the same year he took up a part-time position at the University of the West Indies. Lucky gained first experience as a judge from 1964 to 1974 before he became in-house counsel at the Royal Bank of Trinidad and Tobago . After working for various banks and investment companies in the Caribbean, Lucky returned to the bench in 1987 and was a judge at the Supreme Court of Trinidad and Tobago until 2003. Since September 2, 2003 he has been a judge at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea in Hamburg .

Publications (selection)

  • The interest of Caribbean States in the nuclear age: with specific reference to Trinidad and Tobago . In: Law of the sea, environmental law and settlement of disputes: liber amicorum Judge Thomas A. Mensah . Nijhoff, Leiden ISBN 978-90-04-16156-6 pp. 1153-1162.

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