Antje Grothus

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Antje Grothus (* 1964 in Bochum ) is a German environmental activist . She was a member of the Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment ("Coal Commission") of the German Federal Government. She is Coordinator Coal Policy NRW at Climate Alliance Germany .


Grothus spent her youth in Duisburg .

Grothus is involved in the citizens' initiative Buirer für Buir , which advocates the protection of culture and the environment in the Rhenish lignite region. She actively campaigned against the clearing of the Hambach Forest . In June 2018 she was elected to represent those affected from the Rhenish lignite region on the Commission for Growth, Structural Change and Employment ("Coal Commission").

Grothus has lived in the Kerpen district of Buir since 1994 . She has three daughters.

Grothus appeared as a conversation partner in news programs and in autumn 2018 in talk shows such as Anne Will and Maybrit Illner . She was awarded the MUT medal at the national congress of the Animal Welfare Party on February 9 and 10, 2019 .

Individual evidence

  2. a b Alexandra Endres: "Very clear mood from RWE". In: The time . September 7, 2018, accessed February 3, 2019 .
  3. a b c d e f Robin Kunte: Antje Grothus: A mediator in the dispute over brown coal. In: NRZ . September 10, 2018, accessed February 3, 2019 .
  4. ^ Climate Alliance Germany - Coal phase-out - Contact
  5. forest or coal? Dispute over the Hambach Forest. In: Anne Will . ARD , October 7, 2018, accessed on February 3, 2019 .
  6. ^ Jana Stegemann: Energiewende-Kaffeeklatsch with talk show politicians. TV review for "Maybrit Illner". In: SZ . September 21, 2018, accessed February 3, 2019 .