Antoine-Noé de Polier de Bottens

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Antoine-Noé de Polier de Bottens (born December 17, 1713 in Lausanne ; † August 9, 1783 ibid) was a Swiss Reformed theologian and encyclopedist .

Live and act

Originally, his noble ancestors came from the French Rouergue , which they left for Switzerland in the 16th century because of the threat of persecution as Huguenots . He was the son of Jean Jacques de Polier de Bottens (1670–1747), Lord of the Banner of Lausanne and his wife Salomée Jeanne Elisabeth Quisard (approx. 1670–1735).

He first began to study theology in Lausanne and moved on to complete his theological studies at the University of Leiden , which he completed with a doctorate in 1739. When he returned to his homeland, de Polier took over a parish in the city of Lausanne. From 1743 he was third, from 1754 second, from 1765 first pastor in Lausanne, Seigneur de Bottens, ministre du Saint-Évangile, 1 he pasteur des Églises de Lausanne . In 1759 he became head of the Séminaire protestant français de Lausanne , and in 1766 he was promoted to dean of the chapter.

Through an extensive correspondence with Voltaire between 1753 and 1759, he was encouraged to publish his writings at the book and publishing company of Marc-Michel Bousquet (1696–1762).

In 1757 Voltaire used his preparatory work for some articles for the Encyclopédie, such as the Lemma Fornication . He later commissioned him to create the articles himself. De Polier wrote at least nine, but unauthorized, articles: Kijovn , Liturgy , Logomachie , Magicien , Magie , Malachbelus , Mânes , Maosim and Messie . Voltaire took over these articles for his Dictionnaire philosophique portatif (1764), but changed text passages extensively if they questioned the belief in a literal interpretation of the Holy Scriptures .

On April 13, 1744, he married Elisabeth Antoinette Susanne de Lagier-Pluvianes (1722–1769), they both had five daughters, including the writer Isabelle de Montolieu (1751–1832), and four sons, one of whom was the Vaudois revolutionary politician Etienne Henri Georges Polier (1754–1821).

Works (selection)

  • La Sainte Ecriture de l'Ancien Testament. 6 vols. (1764–1766)
  • Dissertatio philologica qua disquiritur de puritate dialecti arabicae, comparate cum puritate dialecti hebraeae in relatione ad antediluvianam linguam, quam sub praesidio D. Alberti Schultens. Lugduni in Batavis: apud J. Luzac, (1739)


  • FA. Forel (ed.): Les souvenirs de jeunesse d'Antoine de Polier de Bottens. In RHV, (1911) pp. 117-128, 142-148, 171-181, 237-249
  • Raymond Naves : Voltaire et l´Encyclopédie. Paris (1938) pp. 23-33; 43; 141-148; 185-194

Web links

Wikisource: Antoine-Noé de Polier de Bottens  - Sources and full texts (French)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Consortium of European Research Libraries
  2. Family genealogy
  3. Jean-Daniel Candaux / CN: polishing, Jean-Antoine-Noé (de Bottens). In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  4. Frank A. Kafker: Notices sur les auteurs of 17 volumes de "discours" de l'Encyclopédie (suite et fin). Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie Année (1990) Volume 8 Numéro 8 p. 111