Antoine Georges

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Antoine Georges (born April 14, 1961 in Paris ) is a French solid-state physicist. He is a professor at the Collège de France and the École polytechnique in Paris.


Antoine Georges studied biology as a teenager - his father had a laboratory at INSERM . From 1980 to 1983 he studied at the École Polytechnique and then at the École normal supérieure , where he received his doctorate in 1988 under Pierre-Gilles de Gennes , and was at the CNRS from 1986 . He then worked as a post-doctoral student at Princeton University with Philip Warren Anderson from 1989 to 1991 and dealt with high-temperature superconductors . He then worked at Rutgers University , where he began working with Gabriel Kotliar on Dynamical Mean Field Theory. From 2003 he worked again at the École Polytechnique ( Center de Physique Théorique ), in 2009 he became professor of solid state physics at the Collège de France . Since 2011 he has also been a part-time professor at the University of Geneva .

Building on the work of Dieter Vollhardt and Walter Metzner, he and Gabriel Kotliar developed the Dynamical Mean Field Theory (DMFT) for the treatment of strongly correlated electron systems, a version of the molecular field theory ( mean field theory ) in which the electrons are localized according to time and energy scales or were delocalized. Under strongly correlated electron systems, he deals in particular with high-temperature superconductors and transition metal oxides (in the case of the HTSL of copper) and the explanation of their special electronic properties. With DMFT he also treated the metal-insulator transition in vanadium oxide and Mott insulators .

He also dealt with anomalous diffusion in disordered media, the Kondo effect (with Anirvan Sengupta ) and spin glasses and quantum spin fluids (with Olivier Parcollet and Subir Sachdev ). He is also researching artificial solids that are realized in ultracold atomic gases using quantum optical methods.

In 1991 he received the Anatole and Suzanne Abragam Prize from the French Academy of Sciences and in 2004 the Dargelos Prize from the École Polytechnique . In 2006 he and Dieter Vollhardt , Walter Metzner and Gabriel Kotliar received the Agilent Technologies Europhysics Prize 2006 of the European Physical Society for the development of the Dynamical Mean Field Theory . In 2010 he gave the Sommerfeld Lectures at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and in 2001 the Schrödinger Lectures at the ETH Zurich. In 2007 he received the CNRS silver medal . In 2014 he received the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics . For 2020, Georges was awarded the Aneesur Rahman Prize of the American Physical Society . He is a member of the Academia Europaea and became a member of the Académie des Sciences in 2014 .


  • A. Georges, B. Kotliar: Hubbard model in infinite dimensions, Physical Review B, Volume 45, 1992, p. 6479
  • A. Georges, W. Krauth: Numerical solution of the d = ∞ Hubbard model: Evidence for a Mott transition, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 69, 1992, p. 1240
  • A. Georges, W. Krauth: Physical properties of the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions, Physical Review B, Volume 48, 1993, p. 7167
  • A. Georges, S. Biermann, F. Aryasethlawan: First-Principles Approach to the Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Systems: Combining the GW Approximation and Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 90, 2003, p. 086402
  • with Kotliar, Werner Krauth, Marcelo J. Rozenberg: Dynamical mean-field theory of strongly correlated fermion systems and the limit of infinite dimensions, Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 68, 1996, pp. 13-125
  • with JP Bouchaud: Anomalous diffusion in disordered media: statistical mechanisms, models and physical applications, Physics Reports, Volume 195, 1990, pp. 127-293
  • with J.-Ph. Bouchaud, A. Comtet, P. Le Doussal: Classical diffusion of a particle in a one-dimensional random force field, Annals of Physics, Volume 201, 1990, pp. 285-341
  • with Yigal Meir: Electronic correlations in transport through coupled quantum dots, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 82, 1999, p. 3508
  • S Biermann, A Poteryaev, AI Lichtenstein, A Georges: Dynamical Singlets and Correlation-Assisted Peierls Transition in VO2, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 94, 2005, p. 026404
  • E Pavarini, S Biermann, A Poteryaev, AI Lichtenstein, A Georges, OK Andersen: Mott Transition and Suppression of Orbital Fluctuations in Orthorhombic 3 d 1 Perovskites, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 92, 2004, p. 176403
  • M Le Tacon, A Sacuto, A Georges, G Kotliar, Y Gallais, D Colson, A Forget: Two energy scales and two distinct quasiparticle dynamics in the superconducting state of underdoped cuprates, Nature Physics, Volume 2, 2006, p. 537– 543
  • P Limelette, A Georges, D Jérome, P Wzietek, P Metcalf, JM Honig: Universality and critical behavior at the Mott transition, Science, Volume 203, 2003, pp. 89-92

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