Anton Amand Paudler

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Anton Amand Paudler (1844–1905)
Title page of the book Der neue Kammweg

Anton Amand Paudler (born October 8, 1844 in Kamnitz-Neudörfel in Bohemia, now Kamenická Nová Víska, district of Česká Kamenice ; † November 10, 1905 in Prague ) was a German-Bohemian writer and local historian, Roman Catholic priest and high school teacher.


After attending the grammar school in Bohemian Leipa (Česká Lípa), he entered the Augustinian order in 1864 , studied theology and languages ​​in Prague and was ordained a priest in 1868. Paudler became a member of the convent of the Augustinian monastery in Leipzig and worked as a teacher at the local grammar school of the order. In addition to his educational activities, he devoted himself to local history research and wrote numerous articles that he published in the notices of the North Bohemian Excursion Club . In 1878 he was a co-founder of the excursion club (hiking club) in northern Bohemia. Together with August Frind , he hiked on the Kammweg in northern Bohemia and published the book Der neue Kammweg vom Jeschken zum Rosenberg . Two years after his death, a monument was unveiled in the Leipa city park in 1907, but it no longer exists today.


  • Cultural pictures and hiking sketches from northern Bohemia, 1883
  • Legends and fairy tales, 1883
  • Research and migrations in northern Bohemia, 1889
  • A German book from Bohemia, 3 vol., 1894–95
  • Leipaer Dichterbuch: An anthology, 1898
  • The new ridge path from Jeschken to Rosenberge, 1904
  • Announcements of the North Bohemian Excursion Club from 1878 to 1905 (publisher of the magazine)

Web links

Commons : Anton Amand Paudler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
  • A. Paudler: A German book from Bohemia: Volume 1, see [1] ; Volume 2, see [2] ; Volume 3, see [3]

Individual evidence

  1. ÖBL biography (accessed on September 7, 2017)
  2. Official website of the city of Česká Lípa (Czech) (accessed on September 7, 2017)
  3. Paudler Monument (Czech) (accessed September 7, 2017)