Anton Halfar

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Anton Halfar (born October 21, 1836 in Ratscher Mühle , Ratibor district , † November 21, 1893 ) was a German geologist and paleontologist.

In 1856 Halfar embarked on the career of a mining official, first as a mining enthusiast , and from 1864 as a royal mountain eve. From 1864 to 1869 he supported Ferdinand von Roemer in creating the geological map of Silesia (scale 1: 100,000). In 1869 he worked in the mining industry in Neurode , in 1870/71 he was a technical assistant at the Clausthal mining inspection , where he geologically mapped in the Upper Harz. From 1871 to 1873 he was a teacher at the mountain school in Saarbrücken . From 1873 he was at the Prussian Geological State Institute , where he was initially technical and scientific secretary and from 1889 district geologist . In this role he mapped mainly in the Upper Harz (Clausthal-Zellerfeld, with A. Bode, F. Klockmann, M. Koch 1908, 1913).

He dealt with palaeontology and stratigraphy of the Devonian in the Harz Mountains and in the Jeseníky Mountains .

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