Anton Heger

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Anton Heger (born August 25, 1887 in Neu-Würben / Nové Vrbno , Neutitschein district, Moravia ; † October 19, 1964 in Tharandt ) was a German forest scientist .


Heger studied at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences in Vienna . In 1912 he passed the great state examination in Troppau . He received his doctorate in Vienna in 1938. After various positions, he became head of the Komotau municipal forest office in 1920 . He was there as a chief forestry officer until 1940. From 1936, Heger taught as an honorary lecturer at the Prague German Technical University in Tetschen-Liebwerd . From 1940 he was acting head of the Institute for Earnings Science and Business Administration and from 1941 full professor at the forestry school in Tharandt. Heger became a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party ( NSDAP ).

From 1946 he worked again as a teacher in Tharandt at the forestry school, from 1950 as a professor. Since 1952 Heger was a full member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the GDR (AdL).

1950 to 1957 Heger worked as a professor for silviculture at the TH Dresden .

Individual evidence

  1. News of forest history , issues 13–21, p. 10. ( limited preview on Google Book Search ).
  2. Gerhard Stinglwagner , Ilse Haseder , Reinhold Erlbeck: Das Kosmos Wald- und Forstlexikon: With over 17,000 keywords , p. 405. ( limited preview on Google Book Search ).