Anton Holban

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Anton Holban

Anton Holban (born February 10, 1902 in Huși , † January 15, 1937 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian writer .


The son of Gheorghe Holban and Antoaneta Lovinescu, thus nephew of Eugen Lovinescu , was best known for writing novellas. He was closely associated with the literary club and the literary magazine of his uncle Eugen Lovinsecu "Sburătorul". In the 1920s, this was the basin of symbolism and the avant-garde in Romania with names like Felix Aderca , Benjamin Fondane , Francisc Șirato , Ilarie Voronca .

Holban died as a result of a failed appendix operation.


  • Castele de nisip , în: Nuvele inedite , 1935
  • Halucinații , 1938
  • Conversații cu o moartă , 2005
  • Romanul lui Mirel , Editura Ancora, 1929
  • O moarte care nu dovedește nimic , Editura Cugetarea, 1931
  • Parada dascălilor , Editura Cugetarea, 1932
  • Ioana , Editura Pantheon, 1934
  • Jocurile Daniei (posthumously 1971)

Web links

Commons : Anton Holban  - collection of images, videos and audio files