Anton Künzli

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Anton Künzli (born October 27, 1771 in Winterthur ; † March 24, 1852 ibid), also known as Antonius Künzli , was a Swiss politician and mayor of Winterthur.

Anton Künzli was the son of the city doctor of Winterthur. After training as a pharmacist, he first worked in this profession. In 1806 he became a district judge. In 1820 he headed the installation of the city lighting in Winterthur. From 1820 to 1824 he was a member of the district court. He then worked for more than 25 years, from 1824 to 1851, as mayor of Winterthur . From 1827 to 1832, when he was voted out, and again from 1842 to 1851, he was a member of the Zurich Cantonal Council .

Künzli was a lieutenant colonel in the Swiss Army.


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