Anton Pohl (soldier)

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Anton Pohl (born January 7, 1889 in Koper , Austria-Hungary ; died November 28, 1982 in Vienna ) was an Austrian professional soldier.


Anton Pohl attended secondary school in Linz . He then graduated from the Austro-Hungarian Technical Military Academy in Mödling and in 1909 was retired as a lieutenant in the Austro-Hungarian Railway and Telegraph Regiment . From October 1913 he attended the higher genius course in Vienna. When the First World War broke out , he was transferred to Trieste as a first lieutenant in the genius management . In May 1915 he became a genius staff officer in the 7th Army . From October 1916 he was technical assistant to the 12th Infantry Division . From June 1, 1917 he was then with the fastening assembly of the XXIII. Army Corps deployed on the Isonzo Front and from January 1, 1918 he was Genius Staff Officer with the I. Army Corps. On November 1, 1918, he was accepted into the Korneuburg railway formation .

After the surrender in November 1918 he was the liquidation in the railway office of the War Department transferred to Vienna and in the on September 1, 1920 Armed Forces of the Republic of Austria adopted. Pohl served in technical battalion 2 and in engineering units and was promoted to major in 1921. In 1925 he received the title of "engineer". In 1929 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel and transferred to the 7th Alpenjäger Regiment .

From 1933 Pohl was employed in the rank of Colonel as Adjutant to the State Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Defense , which in August 1935 entrusted him as a military and air attaché with representation in Switzerland and the German Reich. Shortly before the annexation of Austria , Pohl was promoted to major general at the beginning of 1938 . It was taken over by the Wehrmacht , but was not used from late 1938 to 1940. In August 1940 he was reactivated and became field commander of Feldkommandantur 821 in occupied France in Laon .

During the attack on the Soviet Union , his field command was relocated to the east. On June 25, Pohl was deployed as field commander in the conquered Kaunas . On June 29, 1941, he made sure that the provisional Lithuanian administration in Kaunas under Jurgis Bobelis set up a concentration camp for Jews. At the end of September 1941 he was relieved of alcoholism for disciplinary reasons; Emil Just was his successor . Pohl left the Wehrmacht in November 1941.


  • Peter Broucek (ed.); Alfred Jansa: An Austrian general against Hitler: FML Alfred Jansa - memories . Vienna: Böhlau, 2011, ISBN 978-3-205-78148-6 , short biography on page 581, fn. 677
  • Christoph Dieckmann : German occupation policy in Lithuania 1941-1944 . 2 volumes. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2011

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Individual evidence

  1. Dieckmann: Lithuania , 2011, p. 313, fn. 62
  2. ^ Dieckmann: Lithuania , 2011, p. 326