Johann Georg Schipper

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Johann Georg Schipper (born March 21, 1751 in Schmittrain , † before 1789 on a Dutch expedition to India) was a German medic . He was best known for the improvement of the medical system in Fulda and the surrounding area as well as the later participation in a Dutch expedition to India.


Schipper was born as the son of the miller Johann Georg Schipper (* July 22, 1706 Schmittrain; † April 29, 1766 Schmittrain) and his wife Margaretha Metz (* October 5, 1708 Modlos; † April 18, 1788 Schmittrain) on March 21, 1751 in of the mill in Schmittrain. His childhood was shaped by working in his parents' mill. This mill has been in the possession of the Schipper family since 1669. Until 1768 he attended high school in Hammelburg .

In 1768 he was enrolled as a poet from Hammelburg at the Adolphiana in Fulda (No. 1627). There he defended “Positiones metaphysicae” with Friedrich Klippmüller in a public meeting in 1771 (Fulda, June 19, 1771) and with Joseph Hämmerling on April 1, 1772 in a public meeting “Positiones philosophicae ex physica et matesi” (Fulda, April 1, 1772 / Philosophical positions in physics and mathematics) under Gotthart Siebert and Konstantinus Zwenger. On November 26, 1774, he enrolled as a candidate in medicine in Würzburg (register list, p. 763).

In 1778, after Zissler's promotion (he became a professor in Fulda and read about medical institutions), Schipper asked to become a Physicus in Hünfeld in his place . He was active as such from around the beginning of 1779. Around this time he married Anna Maria Merk from Brückenau . She was born as the daughter of Kilian Merck and his wife Anna Barbara Schmidt around 1755 in Brückenau. His father-in-law was a councilor there and owned larger property.

As a city physician in Hünfeld, Schipper did not receive any salary from the rent chamber or land acquisition, but the communities were supposed to contribute to his maintenance, which, apart from Hünfeld, they could not initially agree on.

On January 27, 1781, his son Franz Kilian Joseph Schipper was born in Hünfeld. It was followed by Egnatius on March 14, 1782 and Benediktus Josef on January 13, 1784. Georg Schipper was a physician in Marbach and Hünfeld from 1779 to 1784.

In his publication from 1785, Schipper described his duties and visits to these rural communities in great detail. On September 3, 1781 he was mentioned in a baptismal register entry in Hünfeld at the baptism of Margaretha Henkel, daughter of Petri Henkel and Anna Catharina Kirchner. In 1784 Georg Schipper was appointed as the successor to the late Werner (read about mater medic according to Loeseke and medic. Forens. According to Fasel) as professor and city physician in Fulda. As a professor at the University of Fulda, he read about institutions, pathology and forensic medicine. On July 18, 1785, his son Maurus Frieder was born in Fulda. Between 1784 and 1788 there are no further births from his marriage in Fulda. The baptism entry of July 18, 1785 is the last name of Georg Schipper in the Fulda church registers, which is precisely defined in time.

In 1785 his book was published "Abgenötigte Annunciation of a medical history of pigs, which was observed in and near Fulda in 1785" (Fulda 1785). In this book he described his duties as a Physicus very precisely before his university years, for example on March 30, 1785 in his former Physikat in Marbach (between Fulda and Hünfeld). This publication also describes his improvements in medicine. Another treatise followed this case history in 1785. As a logical conclusion, he described therapeutic methods for treating the disease, especially preventive measures for the farmers are described. Georg Schipper can no longer be found in the course catalogs after 1788.

The following facts also make it clear that as early as September 1788 he no longer taught at the university, was no longer a city physician in Fulda and probably no longer in Fulda: On the morning of September 25, 1788, the three (there was always only 3) Professors from the Medical Faculty of the University of Fulda Schlereth, Dorsch and Scheer called to the sickbed of Prince Abbot Heinrich von Bibra. He then died at 2:30 p.m. The dissection was made by Schlereth and Dorsch on September 26, 1788. Since Schipper always dissected cod with cod, Georg Schipper must have left Fulda for India before September 25, 1788, or must no longer have been in the service of the university.

During his time in Fulda he got to know the Comitti family. It came from Brienno on Lake Como via Rudolstadt to Fulda. Johannes Maria Comitti, Mayor of Fulda, became the father-in-law of his first-born son Franz Kilian Joseph Schipper. The brother-in-law Nazar Comitti became bailiff in Bad Brückenau, Franz Kilian Joseph Schipper at the same time a physician and spa doctor in Bad Brückenau.


In 1785 Georg Schipper described the disease of the pigs in great detail, which had attacked numerous farms in the Fulda area, and gives extensive therapeutic advice. In his works, improvements to the medical system in the Fulda area are encouraged and demanded. News about the lost expedition to India, which he started in the period 1788–1790, cannot be determined.


  • G. Schipper and FR Klippmüller: Positiones med physicae , Fulda, June 19, 1771
  • G. Schipper and J. Hämmerling: Positiones philosophicae ex physica et matesi , Fulda, April 1, 1772
  • Schipper, G. "Compulsory publication of a medical history of pigs, which was observed in and near Fuld in 1785" Fulda 1785
  • Georg Schipper: "A remedy and remedy for pig disease, which has been felt in the local area for a number of years, but dermally kills quickly and often in some places in the Hochstifte Fuld and the neighboring villages." Fulda July 30, 1785


Norbert Honegger, contributions to the medical system in Fulda, part II. Doctors in: FuldaGbl 57, 1981, pp. 55-108