Anton Zerr

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Anton Johann Zerr (born March 10, 1849 in Nadlymanske (German: Franzfeld ) near Odessa, † December 15, 1932 in Kandel, Kutschurgan) was a Roman Catholic bishop of Tiraspol .

Zerr was born in a Russian-German family near Odessa . His ancestors had moved from the canton Lauterbourg in Alsace to the Dnieper Delta around Cherson around 1808 . He was ordained a priest in 1872. He was ordained a bishop at the age of 34. He was initially titular bishop of Diocletianopolis in Palestine and auxiliary bishop in Tiraspol. Only six years later he became Bishop of Tiraspol in 1889, but gave up in 1902.

1925 was once again appointed titular bishop of Salona .

Zerr was a pioneer of the Esperanto movement and was one of the initiators of the International Catholic Esperanto Association .

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