Antonie Zerwer

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Antonie Zerwer (born March 17, 1873 in Riesenwalde, Pomerania , † February 15, 1956 in Berlin ) was a German pediatric nurse and religious and as such a pioneer of modern infant and child care.


As the oldest child in a large farming family, Zerwer was familiar with caring for her little siblings from an early age. She completed a training as a nurse in the Evangelical Diakonieverein . From 1906 to 1908, Zerwer was the senior sister of the infant department at the Altstadt Hospital in Magdeburg. At the request of the doctor Arthur Keller , she was brought to Berlin in 1908. From 1909 she began working at the Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria-Infant Home , which at that time was particularly dedicated to combating infant mortality .

In 1912 she published an infant primer that was translated into eight languages ​​and sold about two million times. The German version was published in ten editions by Julius Springer until 1940 , some of which were also supplemented and expanded.

In 1924 she became matron of the nursery. Three years later she was co-founder of the Reich Association for Infant and Toddler Sisters , which she took over as chairman. The association was the first professional association for child nursing that acted independently of adult nursing. In 1934 the Reichsverband was dissolved by the Nazi government, in 1938 Zerwer withdrew from active working life.

At the first international congress on the history of nursing in Aarau in 1992, organized by the German side of the Historical Nursing Research Section of the German Association for the Promotion of Nursing Science and Research (today: German Society for Nursing Science ) under the direction of Hilde Steppe , University of Applied Sciences Frankfurt / Main, Hedwig Wegmann gave a lecture on Antonie Zerwer. The literature by and about Antonie Zerwer can be viewed in the Hilde Steppe archive of the library of the Frankfurt / Main University of Applied Sciences .


She is buried in the Luisenfriedhof II . Her grave was dedicated to the city of Berlin from 1990 to 2014 as an honorary grave .




  • Hedwig Wegmann: Antonie Zerwer: A life for children; 75 years of child nursing. Ed. Hentrich, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-89468-043-1 .
  • Hedwig Wegmann: Zerwer, Antonie Elisabeth , in: Hugo Maier (Ed.): Who is who of social work . Freiburg: Lambertus, 1998 ISBN 3-7841-1036-3 , pp. 655f.

Web links

supporting documents

  1. Hedwig Wegmann: Antonie Zerwer - A life for children . 1st edition. Edition Hentrich, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-89468-043-1 , p. 25 .
  2. Horst-Peter Wolff: On the Magdeburger Medizinalchronik and its actors from the beginnings to the middle of the 20th century , 3rd edition 2012, self-published Fürstenberg Havel, p. 134, ISBN 978-3-00-038727-2 .
  3. a b c Antonie Zerwer Medal of Honor on the BeKD eV website
  4. Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria-Haus to combat infant mortality in the German Empire: Series of publications on the history of paediatrics , Humana-Milchwerke Westfalen Herford, several volumes.
  5. Birgit Jochens, Herbert May: The cemeteries in Berlin-Charlottenburg. Stapp Verlag, Berlin 1994, ISBN 3-87776-056-2 , p. 188.