Antonio Cacua Prada

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Antonio Cacua Prada (born February 11, 1932 in San Andrés , Santander ) is a Colombian historian .


Cacua Prada received his doctorate in economics and law from the Universidad Javeriana , specialized in labor law , communication studies and international law , and then devoted himself to historical research .

He was co-founder of the Colombian Colegio Nacional de Periodistas , Chairman of the Círculo de Periodistas de Bogotá , President of the Colombian Association of Scientific Journalism and is President of the Organización de Asociaciones de Periodistas Iberoamericanos . He worked diplomatically in Costa Rica , the Dominican Republic , El Salvador and Guatemala .

In 1984 he became president of the Academia de Historia de Santander.

He is President of the Academia Patriótica Antonio Nariño and the Instituto Sanmartiniano Colombia.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Edmundo Villamizar Gavassa: Los 80 años de Antonio Cacua Prada. In: Vanguardia , February 14, 2012.
  2. a b c Short biography on the website of the Fundacion Santillana.