Antonio Canevale

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Antonio Canevale was an Austrian architect , master mason and builder .


He came from a widely ramified Italian master builder family, the majority of whom came from Lanzo d'Intelvi and worked in Bohemia , Moravia , Slovakia , Silesia , Hungary and Austria in the 17th and 18th centuries . Antonio was mainly active in the first half of the 17th century. He was the brother of the Linz mason and builder Francesco Carnevale .


Before 1600 he carried out masonry work in Wilhering Abbey . Around 1600 he built a tavern and a barn for the Spital am Pyhrn monastery . In 1605 the Nové Hrady Castle was built according to his plans. Until 1608 he was busy with the renaissance reconstruction of the water castle Schwertberg . Around 1609/10 he worked as a bricklayer in the service of the Upper Austrian provinces and worked a. a. on the fortress construction in Neuhaus an der Donau . Together with Jakob Spazio and Cypriano Biasino as construction managers, the reconstruction of the Dominican Church in Vienna was carried out carried out in the years 1630 to 1634, whereby the work taken over included the removal of the church and the preparation of the foundations for the new building including chapels, tombs, oratorios, choir and facade.

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