Antonio Cederna

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Antonio Cederna (born October 17, 1921 in Milan , † August 27, 1996 in Rome ) was an Italian publicist, politician and monument protection activist.


Antonio Cederna studied in Pavia and was trained as an archaeologist in Rome . Cederna soon chose the journalistic activity and wrote for decades in well-known national media like "Il Mondo" " Corriere della Sera ", " La Repubblica " and " L'Espresso ". Cederna's special commitment was the idea of monument and environmental protection , both in the area of urbanism and in relation to the cultural landscape . The preservation of the Via Appia Antica was of great concern to him . He was one of the co-founders of the “Italia nostra” association and a critic of economic growth at all costs and the destruction of the old town. Cederna also dealt critically with the urbanistic ideas of fascism . After his death, an Antonio Cederna Prize for Environmental Protection was created and a school dedicated to environmental education bears his name.

From 1987 to 1992 Cederna was a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies for the Sinistra Indipendente .

In 1994 he was awarded the gold medal of the Republic's Order of Culture.


  • I Vandali in casa (new edition), Laterza, Rome 2006
  • Mussolini urbanista (new edition), Corte del Fontego 2006
  • La distruzione della natura in Italia , Einaudi, Milan 1975


  • Beni culturali, urbanistica e paesaggio nell'opera di Antonio Cederna, 1921-1996: Roma, Sala dei Dioscuri, 20 December 1999 , Rome 1999 [Ministero per i beni e le attivita culturali, Ufficio centrale per i Beni ambientali e paesaggistici; Centro di Documentazione Antonio Cederna]

Individual evidence

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