Antonis Tritsis

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Antonis Tritsis ( Greek Αντώνης Τρίτσης , * 1937 in Argostoli ; † April 7, 1992 in Athens ) was a Greek architect , town planner and politician who became known as the mayor of Athens .


Tritsis was born in Argostoli, Kefalonia in 1937 , his family left the city after the earthquake of 1953 and moved to Athens. In 1959 he graduated as an architect at the Politechneio, thanks to a Fulbright scholarship he continued his studies in the USA in 1960 and returned to Greece in 1963 .

As a member of a constituency in Kefalonia, he was elected to the Greek parliament . He worked as an urban planner for his hometown Argostoli. He achieved a relocation of the institutions of “automotive activities” (everything that a citizen drives to by car, such as the bus station and sports hall) to the outskirts.

From 1981 to 1985 he was minister for building projects in the government of the Pasok and founded his own party in 1989, with which he failed. In 1990 he was elected mayor of Athens as a Pasok party member with the support of the Nea Dimokratia , but he died in 1992, so that many of his plans remained unrealized. He visited Baghdad in 1991 to get a picture of the destruction caused by the war.

After suffering a severe stroke in his town hall office, he struggled with life for a few days before he died. All of his fortune went to a foundation that supports urban projects, as he had requested in his will.


Tritsis had trees planted all over the city that, in his opinion, a city could hardly have enough of. He wanted to open up all the important archaeological sites with a pedestrian path (realized in 2000). He was best known for his demand for the introduction of a tram and as a staunch opponent of subways, which he completely denied urban qualities. It is also thanks to him that the Athens tram was built. His idea of ​​tunneling under intersections to create more public spaces was not realized.


Tritsis used a moped as a company vehicle , and occasionally the running boards of the municipal garbage trucks .


The environmental park "Antonis Tritsis" in Ilio was named in his honor. In Argostoli, a sports hall and a street bear his name.

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