Apache Geronimo

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Apache Geronimo

Apache Geronimo Administration Console Screenshot.png
Standard homepage of Apache Geronimo
Basic data

developer Apache Software Foundation
Publishing year April 30, 2010
Current  version 3.0.1
(May 28, 2013)
operating system Windows , Linux , Unix , macOS etc.
programming language Java , XML , HTML , CSS , JavaScript etc.
category Application servers , Web servers , Java
License Apache License 2.0

Apache Geronimo is an open source - Java EE - application server . Geronimo was developed under the leadership of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and published under the Apache license . The further development of the application server was discontinued in 2013 after version 3 in favor of MicroProfile component development. Apache TomEE Application Server is recommended as an alternative.


The aim of the project is an open source, modular implementation of the JavaEE standard and integration into the existing open source and Java- based environment of the ASF and beyond. In June 2005 the server passed the compatibility test (TCK) of the Java Community Process (as the third open source server after JBoss and JOnAS ).


In October 2005, IBM presented a free version of its WebSphere Application Server based on Apache Geronimo under the name Websphere Application Server Community Edition.

Version 2.1.1 was published on April 28, 2008 and was certified according to the JavaEE 5 standard. The current version 3.0 is certified for the full JavaEE 6 standard and the web profile it contains.

Constituents and components

Geronimo consists of a kernel, the microkernel, on which the architecture of the server is based. Together with many different components, this architecture enables, among other things, the configuration and construction of a full JavaEE stack. This helps developers to integrate existing and well-tested stable components into the architecture of the server.

The following components are also used in the Geronimo project:

component description
Apache Tomcat Servlet container with support for Servlet and JavaServer Pages (JSP)
Jetty Servlet container with support for Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages - as an alternative to Apache Tomcat.
Apache ActiveMQ Open source Java Message Service (JMS) provider, supports Message-Driven Beans (MDBs).
Apache OpenEJB Open source Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) container system and EJB server with support for Enterprise JavaBeans, including Container Managed Persistence (CMP), Bean Managed Persistence (BMP) and EJB Query Language (EJBQL).
Apache OpenJPA Open source Java Persistence API (JPA) implementation.
Apache ServiceMix Open source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB).
Apache Axis and Apache CXF A SOAP (Axis, CXF) and JSR 93 (JAXR) implementation (Scout) for web services and WS-Interoperability (WS-I) Basic Profile support with JAX-WS and UDDI support.
Apache Derby Purely Java-based relational database management system (RDBMS) with native JDBC connection.
Apache WADI Clustering, load balancing and failover solution.
Apache Yoko Robust and high-performance CORBA server.
OSGi Equinox (which is selected by default) and Apache Felix are supported as the OSGi framework . As of Geronimo 3.0, the OSGI administration is based on Apache Karaf and Apache Aries .

An essential development goal for later versions is the continuous support of " Web Services ", " OSGi " and " Java EE " 6.

Version history

Legend: Older version; no longer supported Older version; still supported Current version Current preliminary version Future version
Version number Release date Java EE compatible
Older version; no longer supported: 1.0 November 15, 2005 J2EE 1.4
Older version; no longer supported: 1.1 June 26, 2006 J2EE 1.4
Older version; no longer supported: 1.1.1 September 18, 2006 J2EE 1.4
Older version; no longer supported: 1.2 December 22, 2006 J2EE 1.4
Older version; no longer supported: 2.0.1 August 20, 2007 J2EE 1.4
Older version; no longer supported: 2.0.2 October 19, 2007 J2EE 1.4
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1 February 18, 2008 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.1 April 28, 2008 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.2 August 5, 2008 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.3 September 15, 2008 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.4 March 31, 2009 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.5 April 14, 2010 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.6 July 6, 2010 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.1.7 November 30, 2010 Java EE 5.0
Older version; still supported: 2.1.8 December 29, 2011 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.2 December 30, 2009 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 2.2.1 December 11, 2010 Java EE 5.0
Older version; no longer supported: 3.0.0 July 13, 2012 Java EE 6.0 (full and web profile)
Current version: 3.0.1 May 28, 2013 Java EE 6.0 (full and web profile) with Java 7, JDBC 4.1, JSF 2.1


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. projects.apache.org . (accessed on April 8, 2020).
  2. Welcome to Apache Geronimo. Archived from the original on October 13, 2019 ; Retrieved October 13, 2019 (American English).
  3. Apache Geronimo: Index. January 25, 2010, accessed April 6, 2020 .