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The guild of the Apostles Fischer emerged in the Middle Ages and was since 1281 in Wimpfen am Neckar known. There, the local monastery of St. Peter granted the Apostelfischer an exclusive fishing right , which still exists today.

In Passau , too, there is a fishing privilege in the urban area of ​​the Danube . In the 12-Apostel-Fischwasser , twelve fishermen, called The Twelve Apostles , have exclusive fishing rights. This also means that they can decide for themselves whether to pass on this privilege through leasing or succession in their ranks, although the fish water belongs to the Holy Spirit monastery.


  • P. Andreas Michalski: The Apostelfischer-Zunft St. Peter in Wimpfen in the valley. The water justice of the monastery of St. Peter and the Apostelfischer. Publication of the Historisches Verein Heilbronn 23 (1960), pp. 182–205

Individual evidence

  1. Klaus Eichmüller: What lives in the Neckar. Gloomy prospects for Neckarfische Stuttgarter Nachrichten , 25 August 2013
  2. The Passau Apostelfischer. On the Danube with Karl Köck Bayerischer Rundfunk , February 27, 2016