Aquilino Fraga Guterres

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Aquilino Ribeiro Fraga Guterres , fighting name Ete Uco (Etu Uku) , is a politician from East Timor . He is a member of the Partido Democrático (PD).


Guterres was a member of the resistance against the Indonesian occupation. His task was initially to bring information about the situation in East Timor to the outside world. During this time he worked as a driver for the Regional Development Bank (Bank Pembangunan Daerah, BPD). In October 1983, the Indonesian Kodim (military district command) in Dili became aware of him and put two agents on him. Guterres was arrested, interrogated and tortured with beatings and electric shocks. He was taken to the Comarca prison . After he was free again, Guterres took on the role of Orgão Directiva Regional (ODIR) in the western part of East Timor in FALINTIL from 1993 , later in the Conselho Nacional de Resistência Timorense (CNRT) Guterres was vice-secretary of Region 4 from 1998.

Guterres was in the 2001 elections, voted 7th in the PD list in the Constituent Assembly. With the independence of East Timor on May 20, 2002 , the assembly became a national parliament and Guterre's deputy. In the new elections in June 2007 , he no longer ran.


In 2006 Guterres received the Ordem Nicolau Lobato .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Election lists of all parties and list of independent candidates, August 2001 , accessed on April 27, 2020.
  2. Annemarie Devereux: Timor-Leste's Bill of Rights: A Preliminary History , ANU Press 2015, limited preview in Google book search.
  3. National Parliament of East Timor: Legislatura 2002-2007 , accessed on May 6, 2020.
  4. Chega! The final report of the CAVR .
  5. List of MPs in the National Parliament of East Timor ( Memento of September 28, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).
  6. East Timor’s National Parliament: Aquilino Fraga Guterres , accessed on July 29, 2020.
  7. List of 2007 candidates from the STAE (PDF; 819 kB).
  8. Jornal da República : Edition of December 20, 2006 , accessed on March 22, 2018.