Urban History Working Group (AKS)

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The Urban History Working Group (AKS) is a history association in the Baden-Württemberg city ​​of Metzingen in the Reutlingen district .


The Arbeitskreis Stadtgeschichte (AKS) was founded in November 1981 as a division of the Adult Education Center Metzingen-Ermstal eV, was given its own statutes in 1986 and has been an independent association since January 2010 with the full name Arbeitskreis Stadtgeschichte - Geschichtsverein Metzingen eV It currently has over 300 members.

Club goals

The purpose of the association is to promote home care and local history. This is achieved in particular by researching the local history, by maintaining its tradition and by protecting and collecting its art and cultural history. The results of the association's work are presented to the general public through publications and lectures. The Urban History Working Group also organizes excursions to maintain an understanding of history .


The rescue of historical buildings in Metzingen is an important field of activity of the AKS . The association has participated several times in archaeological excavations under the direction of the State Monuments Office. With its varied excursion program, the AKS primarily provides its members with valuable impressions of the country's history. The main annual excursions lasting several days have so far led to Nuremberg, Bamberg, Regensburg, Aachen and Cologne, Basel, Berlin, Mainz, Noyon , Vienna, Görlitz, Parma , the Lower Rhine, Burgundy and Mömpelgard in the former Württemberg. Representatives of the association regularly take part in the annual working conference of the history and homeland associations in the Reutlingen district, which is organized by the Reutlingen district archive. In 2011 the AKS hosted this conference.

The City History Working Group has modern technology in its archive and business premises provided by the City of Metzingen in Klosterhof 13. The AKS photo archive comprises several thousand pictures and is specially maintained by a group. The AKS also has an extensive library. It is financed through membership fees, donations from Metzingen companies and the sale of its products. In 2000 the urban history working group was recognized by the state government as an exemplary community citizens' campaign.


From December 1985 to July 2000 the AKS informed its members by means of attached circular letters. Until October 1986 the content consisted of club news. From April 1987, the content was expanded to include essays on the city's history with a length of up to 50 pages. Since 2001 the association has been publishing its own association newspaper, the SPUREN, with articles on city, regional and cultural history, since issue no. 6 in four-color printing. In the SPUREN, which also met with very lively interest outside the circle of members, reports are always provided on the association's activities, the membership movement and the current program. The SPUREN also contains essays by various authors. You always have a focus, e.g. B. family history, industrial history, church history, school history, sports history, club history, etc. These essays can be researched online in the Baden-Württemberg state bibliography .

The AKS is the publisher of the book series "Metzinger Heimatblätter". In addition, he published a monograph on Christian Friedrich Schönbein , who was born in Metzingen , who discovered ozone, gun cotton and the pioneer of the fuel cell. In recent years he has organized numerous exhibitions on the history of the city and published catalogs for them. After the exhibition Neuhausen - a place changes in autumn 2014, the photo book Neuhausen im Wandel - a photographic walk , compiled by Patricia Stasch , was published in April 2015 .

Metzinger Heimatblätter

Volume 1 : Friedrich Lemmer, 75 years of the Hindenburg School in Metzingen , 1983, 2nd edition 1986

Volume 2 : Eberhard Fritz, Neuhausen under the rule of the Zwiefalten Monastery , 1984, 2nd edition 2014

Volume 3 : Andreas Schmauder and Bruno Seitz, Glems - history of a village at the foot of the Swabian Alb , 1986

Volume 4 : Ferdinand Heinrich August Weckherlin, Carl Christian Gratianus, Metzingen in old chronicles , Tübingen 1790 and Reutlingen 1831, reprint Metzingen 1990

Volume 5 : Eberhard Fritz, Neuhausen in the 18th and 19th centuries , 1990

Metzinger Heimatblätter, special series A

Volume 1 : Christian Friedrich Schönbein - 150 years of the discovery of ozone, 1989

Volume 2 : Rolf Bidlingmaier, Philipp Jakob Völter, 1990

Volume 3 : Speeches 1990; Large district town of Metzingen

Volume 4 : Hermann Gussmann, A Metzinger painter, 1993

Volume 5 : Peter Nolte, Christian Friedrich Schönbein - A Life for Chemistry, 1999

Volume 6 : Martinskirche Metzingen - Landmark of a city, 2004

Volume 7 : Angelika Hauser-Hauswirth, Between the Imperial Era and the Third Reich - Metzingen during the term of office of Stadtschultheiß and Mayor Wilhelm Carl, 2007

Metzinger Heimatblätter, special series B

Family history publication series Metzingen

Volume 1 : Family Reusch, 1990

Metzinger Heimatblätter, series of source publications

Christine Bührlen-Grabinger (arrangement), Urfehden im Ermstal: from the city and office of Urach, from non-official locations and from the forest from the years 1440 to 1584, 1991

Club newspaper SPUREN

The club newspaper SPUREN has been published at irregular intervals since 2001, mostly once or twice a year.

Volume 22, July 2019

  • Dieter Feucht: AKS Whitsun excursion to South Tyrol, p. 5
  • Eberhard Fritz: Failed Revolution ?, p. 10
  • Katharina Gütter / Günter Käpernick: Hidden Places, p. 20
  • Katharina Gütter: S 'G'schichtle vom schda Metzinger Gütleshäusle, p. 21
  • Katharina Gütter / Günter Käpernick: Photos of the exhibition "Hidden Places", p. 24
  • Professor Wolfgang Voelter: Speech on the inauguration of the Metzingen Family Center on May 18, 2018, p. 58
  • Hans-Dieter Schwarzmann: 40 years of twinning between Metzingen and Noyon, p. 60
  • Alexander Lauer: Conversation with a contemporary witness with a Banat Swabian woman from Metzingen, p. 79

Volume 21, July 2018

Urach Castle - LUNA Filmtheater - The Thirty Years War in Ermstal - 25 years of AKE Metzingen

Volume 20, July 2017

Lohmühlegesellschaft - Reformation - The Nazi victims in Metzingen

Volume 19, June 2016

Herlishäusle - Architect Manz - Kindergartens - Hugo Boss

Volume 18, June 2015

Metzingen: 1945 - 60 years of VRM - You are queens / Neuhausen: Old Church

Volume 17, September 2014

Metzingen / Neuhausen: grazing lights through a century

Volume 16, February 2013

Völter Foundation 2012 - Zwiefalter Pflegehof 1452 - Schoolmaster's House 1772

Volume 15, November 2011

Dieter Feucht, Documentation B 28 new. A never-ending story - streets in and around Metzingen

Volume 14, May 2011

“Only a virtuous man can be a good shooter.” - A short sports and cultural history of Metzingen and Neuhausen

Volume 13, December 2010

Musical theater 2010. Platz der Sieben Keltern in Metzingen

Volume 12, June 2010

50 years of the Friedenskirche Metzingen

Volume 11, July 2009

50 years of St. Bonifatius Church Metzingen - 100 years of the parish

Volume 10, March 2009

100 years of family-owned city pharmacy in Metzingen

Web links