Archias (actor)

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Archias ( Greek  Ἀρχίας ) was a native of Thurioi , in the 4th century BC. Italic-Greek actor who lived and worked for the Macedonian general Antipater in 322 BC. Helped capture fleeing leaders of the anti-Macedonian party of Athens .


Archias was a tragic actor who took rhetoric lessons from Anaximenes of Lampsakos and Lakritos . One of Demosthenes' private speeches was directed against the latter . Archias is also said to have been the teacher of the famous actor Polos from Aegina .

After the end of the Lamian War , the conquered Athenians had to surrender the fled leaders of the anti-Macedonian party and defenders of their national freedom to Antipater's vengeance. As a result, Archias was born in September 322 BC. Chr. Entrusted by Antipater with the persecution and capture of the proscribed Athenian patriots. On Aegina he first had the orators Hypereides , Aristonikos von Marathon and Himeraios , who had fled to the temple of Aiakos , seized them and sent them to Kleonai to Antipater, on whose orders they were killed. Archias then went with a troop of Thracians to the sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia , where Demosthenes had sought refuge. However, this evaded extradition by suicide.

Because of his bloody actions Archias was referred to as φυγαδοϑήρας (ie "hunter of the fugitives"). He later died in hateful misery and poverty.



  1. Plutarch , Demosthenes 29, 2 f .; Pseudo-Plutarch, Vitae decem oratorum , Moralia p. 846f and 849b.
  2. Plutarch, Demosthenes 28-30; Pseudo-Plutarch, Vitae decem oratorum , Moralia p. 846f and 849b; Strabon , Geographika 8, p. 374; Pausanias , travels in Greece 1, 8, 3; Lucian of Samosata , Demosthenis encomium 27–50.
  3. Arrian , FGrH 156, F 9, 14 in Photios , Bibliotheke , Codex 92, 13.