Arend Heyting

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Arend Heyting (1967) .jpg

Arend Heyting , actually Heijting, (born May 9, 1898 in Amsterdam , † July 9, 1980 in Lugano ) was a Dutch mathematician and logician . He was a student of LEJ Brouwer and studied intuitionist logic , for which he gave the first formalized system of axioms in 1930.

Heyting studied mathematics from 1916 at the University of Amsterdam , where he was influenced by Brouwer and Gerrit Mannoury . In 1922 he made his doctoral examination. Then he was a teacher in Enschede , but continued to deal with Brouwer's intuitionism and received his doctorate in 1925 on intuitionist axiomatics in projective geometry (Intuitionist axiomatiek of projectieve meetkunde). In 1927 the Wiskundig Genootschap awarded a prize on the formalization of intuitionism, which Heyting won. The work was published in 1930 and gained international fame. In 1936 he became a private lecturer in Amsterdam, in 1937 a lecturer and in 1948 as successor to Mannoury Professor. In 1968 he retired, but remained scientifically active.

He edited the first volume of Brouwers Collected Works.

See also


  • The formal rules of intuitionist logic. , 3 parts, In: Meeting reports of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. phys.-math. Class, 1930, 42-56, 57-71, 158-169. Abridged reprint in Berka, Karel; Kreiser, Lothar: logic texts. Annotated selection on the history of modern logic , Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1986, pages 188–192
  • The intuitionist foundation of mathematics , knowledge, Volume 2, 1931, pp. 106–115.
  • Basic mathematical research, intuitionism, proof theory , results of mathematics and its border areas, Springer Verlag 1934
  • Intuitionism, an introduction , North Holland 1956, 1966, 1971
  • Axiomatic method en intuitionism , In: Y. Bar-Hillel, J. Poznanski, MO Rabin, A. Robinson (Eds.), Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics , Magnes Press, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and North-Holland Publ. Co ., Amsterdam 1962, pp. 237-247.
  • Studies on intuitionist algebra , negotiating of the Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, afdeling Natuurkunde, 1st sectie, 18, 1941, No. 2
  • Note on the Riesz-Fischer Theorem , Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series A, 54 = Indagationes Mathematicae 13, 1951, pp. 35-40.
  • Espace de Hilbert et intuitionnisme , in: Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique. Colloques internationaux du CNRS no. 36 (Paris 1950), Paris 1953, pp. 59-63.

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