Arene (mythology)

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Arene ( Greek  Ἀρήνη ) is in Greek mythology the daughter of the Spartan king Oibalos (and the Gorgophone ) and, according to a version of the legend, the half-sister of Tyndareos , Hippokoon and Ikarios , who are the sons of Oibalos and the naiad Bateia .

She is the wife of Aphareus and mother of the Argonauts Lynkeus and Idas . After Pausanias , Aphareus named a city ​​he founded in Messenia after her Arene , and the Arene spring in Triphylia is said to have been named after her.



  1. a b Pausanias 4, 2, 4.
  2. Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 10, 4, 3.
  3. ^ Pausanias 5, 5, 6.