Argeia (daughter of Adrastus)

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Argeia ( Greek  Ἀργεία ) is a female figure in Greek mythology .

Argeia was the daughter of King Adrastus of Argos and the Amphithea . When Polynices , son of Oedipus , came to Argos, Argeia became his wife and gave birth to Thersandros . According to a fragment of the Eoien ("catalog of women") Hesiods she came to Thebes and attended the funeral of Oedipus. With the help of his father-in-law, Polynices wanted to recapture Thebes by force from his brother Eteocles ; it came to the train of the seven against Thebes . The train failed and the brothers killed each other. According to some versions of the legend, Creon prohibited the burying of Polynices ' body, but his sister Antigone defied this prohibition. Hyginus Mythographus reports that Argeia helped the Antigone to lift the dead Polynices to the stake of his brother Eteocles. Surprised by the guards, Antigone was captured, but Argeia managed to escape.


  • Hans von Geisau: Argeia 2). In: The Little Pauly (KlP). Volume 1, Stuttgart 1964, Sp. 533.


  1. Libraries of Apollodorus 1, 9, 13, 2; 3, 6, 1, 2ff .; Hyginus Mythographus , Fabulae 69 and 71.
  2. Hesiod, Fragment 62 ed. Rzach.
  3. ^ Hyginus, Fabulae 72.