Ariel Caldarelli

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Ariel Caldarelli (born January 4, 1959 in Montevideo , Uruguay ) is a Uruguayan actor , theater director , lecturer and author.

Caldarelli successfully completed his training at the Escuela Municipal de Arte Dramático (EMAD) in 1982 . Together with Bettina Mondino he was responsible for the Teatro en el Aula . Caldarelli directed the operas Dido y Eneas , Rita and César , among others . He brought plays by Robert Walsh , Alvaro Correa , Marcos Zarzaj , Fontanarrosa and Ricardo Talesnik, among others, to the theater stage . As an actor, he was seen in particular on television and cinema. He was involved in the TV production A cara o cruz and the cinema films El hombre pálido , Llamada para un cartero by director Brummell Pommerenck and the Adrián Biniez film Gigante . In Stephan Lacant's television film Zielfahnder - Bloody Tango , which is mostly set in Uruguay, Caldarelli appeared in 2019 as the kidnapping victim Volker Hagenbach.

The actor also works as a copywriter for carnival groups and wrote songs for them, including Los Sandros , Fantasías , Los Gabys and Los Dundees . He was also active in advertising.


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