Aristides Dossios

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Aristides Dossios ( Greek Αριστείδης Δόσιος , * 1844 in Athens ; † April 1881 ibid) was a Greek economist .


As a fifteen-year-old student, Aristides Dossios joined the anti-monarchical movement of Greece's Golden Youth and wrote regularly between 1859 and 1861 in the newspaper Το Μέλλον της Πατρίδος ( The Future of the Fatherland ). On September 6, 1861, he committed an assassination attempt on Queen Amalie of Greece , which she survived. On January 10, 1862 he was sentenced to death by the Athens Court of Cassation and pardoned to life imprisonment by the Greek King Otto at the request of Amalie. After Otto's bloodless fall, he was released from prison on October 10, 1862.

He went to Munich, Zurich and Italy to study. In the summer semester 1863 he enrolled at the University of Zurich for law one. Here he joined the Corps Rhenania . He was the last Rhenania to be charged second before the suspension at ETH . He stayed in Zurich until August 21, 1865. During this time he must also have had natural science lessons from Rudolf Clausius , as he dedicated a copy of his doctoral thesis to him, his revered teacher Prof. Clausius . On 15 July 1867 he was at the University of Zurich with a dissertation on a national economic issue for Dr. iur. PhD.

After teaching at the Sorbonne for camera and political science, he returned to Greece, where he became director of the shipping bank ο Αρχάγγελος (Archangel) founded in 1870 . He was a member of the American Association of Social Science. After he had gained the insight that, despite the events between 1862 and 1864, the political situation in Greece had not changed, he fell ill with depression. After undergoing surgery for a non-healing skull injury sustained by torture while in detention, he developed dementia and died in a mental hospital.


Aristides Dossios came from a wealthy and educated family. His father Konstantin Dossios (1810–1871) worked as a lawyer and politician in Greece after studying law in Munich and Heidelberg and social sciences in Vienna . In 1843 he was a delegate in the Greek constituent assembly and in the Greek national assembly from 1862 after the overthrow of King Otto. From February to March 1863 he was Minister for the Church. In the same year he became a member of the Constituent Assembly for the 1864 Constitution.

His mother was the linguist Katharina Dossios geb. Mavrokordatos (1820-1856). She translates George Gordon Byron's The Giaour into Greek.

His younger brother Leander Dossios (1846–1883) studied chemistry at the University of Zurich . He also joined the Corps Rhenania . In 1866 he was with a dissertation on theoretical and empirical contributions to the Constitution of the glycols and their corresponding acids Dr. phil is doing his doctorate. Later he was professor of chemistry in Athens.

His younger sister Katharina (1856–1935) married the German archaeologist and ambassador Otto Lüders in 1874 .


  • Les limites de l'économie politique . Paris and Berlin, 1867 (A copy with a handwritten dedication to his teacher Rudolf Clausius is in the library of Columbia College in New York City, digitized )
  • Κρίσεις και σκέψεις περί της ελληνικής ατμοπλοίας, Μεταλλευτική Εταιρεία
  • Ο Αρχάγγελος , 1877.


  • 150 years of Corps Rhenania Zurich-Aachen-Braunschweig, 1855-2005 , Braunschweig 2005

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Laibacher Zeitung of January 24, 1862
  2. ^ Matriculation of the University of Zurich, No. 2606, Aristide Dossios
  3. ^ List of members of the American Association of Social Science
  4. also called Leonidas Dossios
  5. ^ Matriculation of the University of Zurich, No. 2775, Leander Dossios