Armin Hiller

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Armin Hiller (born December 22, 1938 in Perleberg ) is a German diplomat.


Hiller studied law at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen and the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg . In 1960 he became a member of the Corps Franconia Tübingen . After the two state examinations and the doctorate to Dr. iur. (1969) he became a ministerial official in the Federal Ministry of Transport . In 1972 he joined the Foreign Service and came to Washington, DC , Bonn , Maputo and again to Bonn at the headquarters of the Foreign Office. After heading the Embassy in Brazzaville from 1983 to 1985 , he was reinstated in the Foreign Office as Deputy Head of Unit in the Political Department. When he became deputy head of the German Embassy in Prague in 1989 , he experienced its occupation by GDR citizens, which initiated the so-called turning point . In March 1993 Hiller became head of the policy department in the culture department of the Federal Foreign Ministry. In September 1998 he was accredited as Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Nigeria . He was then ambassador to Romania from October 2, 2001 to July 1, 2003 .

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1996, 39/1204
  2. Dissertation: French press law
  3. a b Prignitz Lexicon ( Memento from May 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Siebenbürgische Zeitung (March 24, 2003)